TFCD in IR style.. Dec outing

lai. sharing thraed up. i uploaded first photo liao. now editing again:D

Congratulations to Ah Chua for another resoundingly successful outing!
And thanks to Ah Chua for the sandwiches! He made them himself personally.

Congratulations to Ah Chua for another resoundingly successful outing!
And thanks to Ah Chua for the sandwiches! He made them himself personally.

thanks ah chua! 感动!! LOL

Bro I tin u mistaken... I onli make 4 which Xmm, whow, David and Luke eaten for the rest is a gift from God follower... Those group u saw when we were at the gathering area ...")

Thxs Thxs it's everyone effort ... ")

Thank you bro Ah Chua for your delicious home-made egg-ham-cheese sandwich, and thank you for this outing with the 3 pretty... sexy... hot "born-in-Singapore" babes :thumbsup:

Thanks sis Serenxmm and bro limwhow for the drinks and foods ;p

And also nice to have met everyone (friends and new friends).

I just got back home from ghost-hunting photography trip just now. Sibeh tired... no ghosts captured... but felt the chilling eerie-ness of the abandoned place.

I will take my time to PP and post/share my shots of the 3 babes later..

BTW, do we have to have 5 best shots per babes?

Thank you bro Ah Chua for your delicious home-made egg-ham-cheese sandwich, and thank you for this outing with the 3 pretty... sexy... hot "born-in-Singapore" babes :thumbsup:

Thanks sis Serenxmm and bro limwhow for the drinks and foods ;p

And also nice to have met everyone (friends and new friends).

I just got back home from ghost-hunting photography trip just now. Sibeh tired... no ghosts captured... but felt the chilling eerie-ness of the abandoned place.

I will take my time to PP and post/share my shots of the 3 babes later..

BTW, do we have to have 5 best shots per babes?

Haha... Bro u are welcome... Take ur time to do the pping the Xmm... Hope can meet up for tcss ...

Updated Info for TFCD...

Please note that if you do not have 5 IR pictures of each ladies, you can also mix it with the normal photos if you have taken them. Just email all of the images to Lx3Chua.

thxs guys... U can Email ur photos to

Group 1
1. Lim Whow- team leader
2. garth6
3. allenleonhart
4. vngks
5. szeping
6. SereneXMM

Group 2
1. Jed - team leader
2. shelomoh
3. GeekBrains
4. eawtan
5. silvergetz - Photos given
6. mabmy

Group 3
1. Wurdelak - team leader
2. iVintage
3. SurrealDreamWalker
4. Kt1031
5. yilishengxian
6. Noel

Ah Chua, we will give you whatever decent ones that SereneXMM and I have,
If not that good, please tell the models to pardon us...

i'll pas mine in the sd card u loaned me:D this sat.

Update on the 11th of Dec

U can Email ur photos to

Group 1
1. Lim Whow- team leader - Photos given
2. garth6
3. allenleonhart - Photos given
4. vngks
5. szeping
6. SereneXMM - Photos given

Group 2
1. Jed - team leader
2. shelomoh
3. GeekBrains
4. eawtan - Photos given
5. silvergetz - Photos given
6. mabmy

Group 3
1. Wurdelak - team leader
2. iVintage
3. SurrealDreamWalker
4. Kt1031
5. yilishengxian
6. Noel

Update on the 11th of Dec

U can Email ur photos to

Group 1
1. Lim Whow- team leader - Photos given
2. garth6
3. allenleonhart - Photos given
4. vngks - Photos given
5. szeping
6. SereneXMM - Photos given

Group 2
1. Jed - team leader
2. shelomoh
3. GeekBrains
4. eawtan - Photos given
5. silvergetz - Photos given
6. mabmy

Group 3
1. Wurdelak - team leader
2. iVintage
3. SurrealDreamWalker
4. Kt1031
5. yilishengxian - Photos given
6. Noel

Update on the 13th of Dec

U can Email ur photos to

Group 1
1. Lim Whow- team leader - Photos given
2. garth6 - Photos given
3. allenleonhart - Photos given
4. vngks - Photos given
5. szeping
6. SereneXMM - Photos given

Group 2
1. Jed - team leader
2. shelomoh
3. GeekBrains
4. eawtan - Photos given
5. silvergetz - Photos given
6. mabmy

Group 3
1. Wurdelak - team leader
2. iVintage
3. SurrealDreamWalker
4. Kt1031 - Photos given
5. yilishengxian - Photos given
6. Noel

What is boxbe???

Update on the 15th of Dec

U can Email ur photos to

Group 1
1. Lim Whow- team leader - Photos given
2. garth6 - Photos given
3. allenleonhart - Photos given
4. vngks - Photos given
5. szeping - Photos given
6. SereneXMM - Photos given

Group 2
1. Jed - team leader
2. shelomoh - Photos given
3. GeekBrains
4. eawtan - Photos given
5. silvergetz - Photos given
6. mabmy

Group 3
1. Wurdelak - team leader
2. iVintage
3. SurrealDreamWalker
4. Kt1031 - Photos given
5. yilishengxian - Photos given
6. Noel

Thank guys!!! :thumbsup: