[terenceleezy] Landscapes from travels in Oregon, USA.

#7 Blue Ice

My incredible weekend at Alaska. A pretty strenuous hike with some elevation gain and scrambling (understatement) to find THIS GINORMOUS ICE CAVE! Dripping wet in the cave with plenty of splashes making it pretty hard to shoot. Standing in the middle of this huge blue ice cave, über SURREAL. Definitely one of the places that you got to see for yourself. Crossed out yet another place off my bucket list. :)


For those interested in the technicals
D800E | 14-24 @ 14mm | f/11 | 0.8s | iso200
Really Right Stuff BH-55 | BD800-L
Gitzo GT3541LS | Wonderpana 145mm CPL

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Wow #7 is amazing... so are the rest

fantastic! I can only imagine the effort and time needed just to reach some of those places!

Hi Terenceleezy , all your photos are so beautiful and thanks for leaving a comment on my photo thread.

so inspired to learn from you. :D

#8 Ice Palace

Here's a cool picture to quench the heat :)

For those interested in the technicals
D800E | 14-24 @ 14mm | f/11 | 1/10s | iso 200
Really Right Stuff BH-55 | BD800-L
Gitzo GT3541LS | Wonderpana 145mm CPL

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No 8 ,will the ice drop down easily ? can see wearing safety helemet... Nice and dangerous

No 8 ,will the ice drop down easily ? can see wearing safety helemet... Nice and dangerous
#8 actually is really dangerous. the ice cave collapsed about 1 month after I went. I actually updated that in another thread instead :D
check it out! #5 in the Alaska thread. :)

Top-notch shots

Heres a couple more to share..

#9 The Big Bang Theory


Spent my 4th of July treading around (almost scorched) wildflowers at Mount St Helens, an active volcano that blew its top off some 30 years ago. Though I didn't stay around PDX for fireworks, the 2 hour drive back from Washington was alight with fireworks from the residents' backyards, and that was a cool show on its own.

D800E | 14-24mm @ 14mm | 1/100s | f/13 | Iso400 | Tripod
Mount St Helens, Washington

#10 Just doing my morning swim in my backyard. :)


D800E | 16-35mm @ 16mm | 0.6s | f/11 | Iso200 | Tripod
Oneonta Gorge, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Beautiful foreground interest for #9! And great placement of human element for #10! :thumbsup::thumbsup: Hope I can take photos like this some day :bsmilie:

awesome is an understatement here.

Top drawer stuff! :thumbsup:

Thanks guys! This was from last weekend an overnight hike..

#11 South Sister Summit


Carrying 47lbs of camera gear up South Sister totally kicked my a$$. About a 14miles hike roundtrip with 5000 ft elevation gain, I struggled here and there but we made it just in time for sunrise! The entire area looked a little smoky due to all the forest fires in the area. Here's a shot from 10,358ft, Oregon's 3rd highest mountain. Hope everyone is having a great week so far! :)

D800E | 14-24mm @ 14mm | iso400 | f/11 | 1/25s | Tripod

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Ohh my heart goes to these, Apart from the locations itself, the photographer was amazing. I found more just like these including travelling tips on Elucid Gent

Thanks for #9 (Mt. St. Helens). It looks so nice now. I was there shortly after the eruption & it was still smoking when 5 of us went up in un-paved & slippery dirt track roads. There was a lake where all the logs laid in one direction after being blown off with its roots when the volcano erupted from its side as shown clearly in your photo. And on the other side to the left, all the trees stood tall, not impacted by the blast. The sight was spectacular then. I was driving. We (foolishly, on hindsight) over-stayed for the view and came down the mountain side when pitch darkness set in halfway down. Everyone remained absolutely quiet & nervous as I drove very slowly & carefully down till we reached the freeway. Thank God we made it safely down, otherwise I won't be writing this. The 2nd time I went a few years later wasn't too dramatic. By then a Visitor Center has been built and all the rawness were gone from the clean up. Thanks again for the memory with this photo. Do you have 2 or 3 more good ones to show?

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#12 Fields of Purple

took quite a few attempts to find a good comp for this spot. of cos missed a couple sunsets in the process as well. heres my final attempt at it 39 mins before sunset :)
D800e | 70-200mm @ 160mm | 1/40s | f/11 | iso 800