tamron 70-200f2.8 di ld macro vs tamron 70-300vc usd


Jan 21, 2008
Hi all, I'll be heading to Japan soon and was thinking of pickin up either one

Main considerations are:

-Both within my price bracket
-70-200f2.8 vc usd too ex for my amateur use
- love the bokeh f2.8 produces
- weight
-shooting handheld without vc at 100mm and above
Given a choice, which would you recommend and why?

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I follow a very basis principle when consider buy something;

I ask myself is this a "need" or a 'want"?

If it is a "need", I will find a way to own it eventually.

if it is a "want", I will spend whatever I can afford and justify it later.

it works every time.

So, if you don't like to think too much and looking for a quick answer.

try this; "buy the best and forget about the rest"

hope this help.

You have to decide several factors yourself:

1. Are you willing to trade 100mm more focal length for wider aperture?
2. VC is only important if you cannot get a fast enough shutter speed. so VC vs non VC.
3. 70-200 will be heavier than 70-300. Only you know what weight load you are comfortable with
4. What are the subjects you normall shoot? and in what conditions?

And I am sure you will have difficulty shooting subjects at 100km and above. Not even the 800mm lens can reach that far, unless you are shooting stars at night.

FYI, I will choose 70-200 over 70-300 everytime, except for times when I have to climb mountain or hike long distances (which is like almost never). For subjects that require long focal lens, I usually use my Tamron 150-600 or my other big lens.

Thanks for the feedbacks.

I hope to use it more as a portrait lens outdoors ie catching kids playing in the sand

I guess above 100mm handshake is a concern but I would really want this opportunity to buy a 70-200f2.8 as well.

I guess I'll have to compensate with a tripod, monopoly or use high iso