Take landscape shd use kit lens or 50mm 1.8

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New Member
Jan 31, 2010
Hi all,i am new. Just bought 50mm 1.8 lens ,i found that 50mm really good for me when i take portrait, a bit confusing here,when i take landscape ( day or night shot) wat lens i shd use for ,between kit lens and 50mm ,which one is better result ?
And one more question,shd use flash or not when take night pics,i took seem like w/o flash is better,any advice?
Thanks :)

a kit lens will be gd enough 50mm 1.8 is gd in low light but if ur're say landscape u might need a wide angle lens like 17- 44 instead . and try to use slower shutter speed with tri pod instead of flash =)


Any lens could be used to take landscape. It all depends on your subject and your style

Hi all,i am new. Just bought 50mm 1.8 lens ,i found that 50mm really good for me when i take portrait, a bit confusing here,when i take landscape ( day or night shot) wat lens i shd use for ,between kit lens and 50mm ,which one is better result ?
And one more question,shd use flash or not when take night pics,i took seem like w/o flash is better,any advice?
Thanks :)

Any focal length can be used to take landscape. I use focal lengths from 12mm to 300mm before. Depends on what you want to get.This goes the same for day or night.
There are also inherent advantages of one over the other extreme.

For nightscapes ur flash will not be able to light up the whole area la. so no use unless u r lighting up specific subjects. . . Else long exposure on a stabilised setup is the way to go


i would rather use kit lens for landscape. Fixed zoom for landscape can be pretty frustrating lol

A wide-angle lens is typically used for landscape photography. However, that doesn't mean that other focal lengths are explicitly disallowed. It's ultimately the composition that matters, and choosing the right focal length helps achieve that composition.

If 50mm happens to be the focal length you want for that landscape shot, no harm busting out the 50mm prime since its probably a little sharper than kit lens even when stopped down.

If 50mm happens to be the focal length you want for that landscape shot, no harm busting out the 50mm prime since its probably a little sharper than kit lens even when stopped down.

yeah agreed!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Any focal length can be used to take landscape pictures, it depends on how you compose it. If its between kit lens (18-55) and 50mm prime, i'll say use your kit as it is more versatile and it covers the 50mm range as well. IQ wise i would think they are probably quite similar after f8 or so, which is whats usually used.

If taking landscape, you dont need need flash. You will do much better with a tripod. Unless its night portraits, you will need both flash and tripod as well.

how much u paid for the 50mm and where did u get it from?

tHANK all for ur advise , really helpful for it . :)
I bought it from a forumer , very nice guy , you can check in Buy and sell thread

Both can be used ta take landscape pics. It is up to individual what focal length to be used to take landscape

Why don't try out yourself? :)

Kit lense makes it easier (not better), just need to walk backwards for 50mm. Just shoot first and get to know what you can do with the lense before spending money to buy another. :)

Kit lense makes it easier (not better), just need to walk backwards for 50mm. Just shoot first and get to know what you can do with the lense before spending money to buy another. :)


And if you find that 50mm is not wide enough, you can even try doing a panorama using multiple vertical shots and then stitch it post.

Hi all,i am new. Just bought 50mm 1.8 lens ,i found that 50mm really good for me when i take portrait, a bit confusing here,when i take landscape ( day or night shot) wat lens i shd use for ,between kit lens and 50mm ,which one is better result ?
And one more question,shd use flash or not when take night pics,i took seem like w/o flash is better,any advice?
Thanks :)

You can take landscape with any lens my dear... depends on wad u want to capture..:)

if u are using a kit lens right now, why dun u zoom in to ard 50mm and try taking as many landscape photos around u and see if u like this range.. I suppose u would have many objects cut away if u are not far away from the 'scene'. But if u like this kind of photos then just do it.. After all 50mm 1.8 is the most affordable lens! Ya gd

And from wad i always see as newbie myself, landscape is better taken with smaller apertures and longer shutter if possible to be sharp as a whole and smooth. Hence the 50mm big aperture is not really needed.

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