Switzerland Landscapes (Zurich, Neuchatel, Thielle )


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2007
Punggol 21
Sharing some shots of the beautiful Switzerland cities.

Its been a very fortunate opportunity to have some time for leisure shoot during a business trip.

some facts incase many will ask:
- Its a business trip.. travelling alone.
- camera used ( Mamiya AFD2 on film back , 35mm F3.5, 80mm F2.8, 120mm F4 )
- all shots taken with PORTA 400VC ( total of 6 rolls used ).
- all shots was developed in a photoshop and then scanned with EPSON V700

Zurich #1

Zurich #2

Zurich #3

Zurich #4

to be continue...

wow you carried all that on a business trip? :thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing! I miss Zurich. Don't know if I have the chance to visit again...

some more please. esp the coloured ones.

wow you carried all that on a business trip? :thumbsup:
Thanks for sharing! I miss Zurich. Don't know if I have the chance to visit again...

Yes. a camera with 3 lens and a tripod....

some more please. esp the coloured ones.

my processing rate is like 1pic/day... but, I try my best ok......

I post some more B&W shots first....

Zurich #5

Zurich #6

to be continue...

one color shot for EMLEE :)

Zurich #7

to be continue...

#2 is superb. :)

one color shot for EMLEE :)

Zurich #7

to be continue...

I actually did not visit any city in Switzerland, so I cannot say that I missed it. I noticed their lake cruise boats are very similar. They have boats like this in Brienzer See too. I love the B&W city street shots. But I suspect you had much much better weather, hence I can't wait to see what Switzerland really looked like. :)

#2 is superb. :)
thanks bro.

#2 and #4 is very nice :) :thumbsup:
thanks for the encouragement :)

I actually did not visit any city in Switzerland, so I cannot say that I missed it. I noticed their lake cruise boats are very similar. They have boats like this in Brienzer See too. I love the B&W city street shots. But I suspect you had much much better weather, hence I can't wait to see what Switzerland really looked like.

The first day was fantestic.. but.. only for the first day....

well, after sometime, the entire Europe looks the same to me... haha...
railway, electric train, 4 storey buildings, Churches... etc.. joking..

Zurich #8

to be continue...

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Zurich #9

end of first roll,
to be continue...

Zurich #10

Zurich #11

to be continue...

#2 and #8 shows some good use of shadows to create more depth in the shot. Love #2 especially. #11 is a bit too cluttered though there is the clock tower hidden in that small gap that catch some attention. :)

#2 and #8 shows some good use of shadows to create more depth in the shot. Love #2 especially. #11 is a bit too cluttered though there is the clock tower hidden in that small gap that catch some attention. :)

appreciate the feedback, thanks.

For #11, its the best that I can do at that location. I cannot seems to be able to get a clean tower no matter where I move. I wanted the beautiful tree trunk and the classic iron bars at the side ( to bring out the mood ). And the result becomes very cluttered.. :cry:

some more pics to share.

Zurich #12

to be continue...

trying some Velvia effect..

Zurich #13

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Zurich #14

to be continue...

wah nice. the best so far. love the line patterns of the railings and shadow, the smoke from the person and the highlight from the sun.