Storing lenses in dry box/cabinet

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vivientan said:
How do u guys keep your lenses dry when travelling? Do u bring a portable dry box with you? I'm travelling in 2 weeks time and am just wondering if I should bring a small portable one with me with packs of silica gel thrown in.

I don't think you really need a drybox in a not-so-humid country.

I left all my camera equipment in the bag for most of 3 years whilst I ws studying in Perth. It's great weather there. That included 2 lenses 1 35mm film camera 1 digital, 1 light meter. Everything works fine and no fungus whatsoever.

vivientan said:
How do u guys keep your lenses dry when travelling? Do u bring a portable dry box with you? I'm travelling in 2 weeks time and am just wondering if I should bring a small portable one with me with packs of silica gel thrown in.

If really so kiasee (pardon me), then I think Ziploc bags or airtight tupperwares may be a better idea. They're definately lighter to carry around for travelling.

As for why some cameras/lenses don't grow fungus even when they are not stored in dryboxes is probably because they are used often. Moving air reduces the chances of fungus growth in lenses.

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