Sony will not longer build DSLR?

Well, i think as far as it was, Sony will keep DSLR and indeed when it change the product, god knows. It all depends on how the camera market develops.:bsmilie:


Here an article talking abt the risk of sony doing the SLT way.

the article is based on sentiments from studying the ideology of people who grew up in the 70s and 80s.

so it's a pretty flawed article.

it failed to understand the wants and desires of present-day consumers.


Here an article talking abt the risk of sony doing the SLT way.

Why the video camera from consumer till professional is not Optical Viewfinder fans till now ? :D

It takes time for the SLR market to accept EVF implementation.
This is like the first Live View SLR Digital implementation on Olympus E-330 in 2006 which the SLR Digital market is flooded by this feature now !

Evf or ovf, me personally would prefer evf. It's much easier to use. Im a newbie so the evf will produce whatever image that produce from the setting, so i can easily set and snap faster and easier. Every change in aperture or shutter, even iso, will be shown in evf. I used my friend's nikon but i just feel it's not really convinient. When we need to shoot something faster, i need to try few times before getting the correct setting.

Why the video camera from consumer till professional is not Optical Viewfinder fans till now ? :D

It takes time for the SLR market to accept EVF implementation.
This is like the first Live View SLR Digital implementation on Olympus E-330 in 2006 which the SLR Digital market is flooded by this feature now !

So right Bro ! ...reminds me of the transition from Manual focus to Auto focus SLRs back in the 1985-1990 !:bsmilie: