Sony FE 70-200 F4 Durable?


Nov 25, 2016
Hi Sony users, recently I’ve made the switch from DSLR to Sony systems, quite happy with my new A7iii and it’s features!

I’m keen on pulling the trigger on a 70-200 F4, but what’s stopping me is the amount of reviews and feedbacks I’ve read on online forums stating it’s a very fragile lens, like even the slightest bump it could snap into 2, and most of the cases snapped at the exact same spot near the switches where the 2 halves are connected.

In the image it appears the two halves are connected together using some sort of plastic according to the owners, many users in amazon also claim the same exact issues.

I’m not sure now if the current version is the same or ‘updated’ somehow but hoping to seek some opinion from the community here, thank you. :)


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I have a 2nd hand Sony FE 70-200 F4 for over 2 years now. Though I hardly use much, when I do use, I am quite rough with it. Yet all of my lenses are consider in very good condition:eek: by any buyer. As for the Sony FE 70-200 F4, I find the build quality is very very very solid even it is a light weight lens. It do not feel it can break into half or pieces anytime. The images is fantastic at 200mm even at f/4 in low light. Great for indoor or outdoor sporting events. Unless you like the speed, weight and have money for f/2.8, the f4 version is good as a tele zoom lens. Try it and have fun with it. :):cool:

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Thank you for sharing for experience! Perhaps I might just go for it since a stop difference doesn’t mean much to me as I’ll be using it mostly outdoors!

Meanwhile i’ll hold my money as there is a rumor going that Tamron is planning to release a 70-200 f2.8 G2 for the FE line! If it’s true I’ll be getting that instead! Keeping my fingers crossed though haha!

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I used to own it... Dun think if you take care of it will break off like that.