SMS Macro Outing "LX" Friday 16th Sept 2011.(Night Macro at Lower Peirce)

I am a newbie to Macro. Hope to learn from you guys tonight!

Looking forward to new friends later!

Hey guys,

Had loads of fun earlier and learned alot from steve, sunny and others. :)

Hey, did you guys spot this one..?


Oo~ My friend and I were pretty late and ended up going about ourselves, so I wasn't sure if it was already there when you guys passed through.

Wow, I didn't spot the missing leg! Haven't seen this species of centipede before and was pleasantly surprised~

And boy, was it big..!

hi all, nice to meet you all. though it was my 1st night macro , i enjoyed it.
here the the master Steve in action ;


Thank you guys, I have learnt alot from my first try on macro. Hope to learn more soon!