Singnet extremely slow these few days

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New Member
I stay in Katong area. My Singnet connection is very erratic these days. Sometimes, it is ok, but sometimes, it grinds to a halt. This occurs in the evenings when I surf. When I do a ping to local sites, I get about 25% to 75% returned. The rest are lost because of time-out.

Am I alone here? Is Singnet doing some maintenance that they forget to tell me about?

Mine and company one ok leh...but my friend who stay at Bayshore line down for 1week liao....the area quite close wor...

so far my home and office seem ok at Jurong area.

Thanks for the feedback. I have a friend in Pasir Ris, and hers seem to be fine. But there seems to be a fair number of people experiencing slow connections these few days. I suspect Singnet is having some problems... If so, they should come clean.

I wonder if it is confined to my region...

I experience slowdowns once in a while. Last night was the most recent. I couldn't upload any photos or view them. Staying in upper bukit timah.

My internet is totally down and now I can only access it at work.

My home line is the wireless broadband plan. First there was a problem with my line after a couple of months. They sent a linesman down to repair the line.

Then there was another problem, this time it was with the free modem they gave me. I couldn't find the time to go down to the shop (inaccessible, NOT singnet) so I went down to singnet and bought my own modem, not wireless (but still hefty $80) because they only had the mio which cost TOO MUCH (>$200).

Then a couple of days ago I started experiencing a network error. I can't even get online anymore. According to my computer's auto-checking software, it's a network error and not a local system error. I really don't know what's going on NOW but I'm too tired to call singnet hotline again. Each time just to get through to an operator I have to wait forever.


I'm experience the same thing... how sad...

sengkang seems ok. i only check email and surf net. didn't download things, so can't really say if connections are consistent

sengkang seems ok. i only check email and surf net. didn't download things, so can't really say if connections are consistent

confrim, I also Sengkang and it's super fast :lovegrin: :thumbsup:

I stay in Katong area. My Singnet connection is very erratic these days. Sometimes, it is ok, but sometimes, it grinds to a halt. This occurs in the evenings when I surf. When I do a ping to local sites, I get about 25% to 75% returned. The rest are lost because of time-out.

Am I alone here? Is Singnet doing some maintenance that they forget to tell me about?

why not switch to QMAX ?

I won't be so upset if they come clean and give me the real reason for the slowdown.

I called them on Tuesday night, and the 'technician' suggested that I test my wireless network because her system showed that I was connected to Singnet... so not their problem. So, I tested using wired connection, etc... but still the same.

I called them again last night, and said that problem still persists, and it's not my wireless network. Then they told me to test connection from other sockets in my house, etc... So, I did that, but still the same.

Wasted so much of my time!

I suspect they are trying to hide the truth, or not giving their 'technicians' sufficient information to tell their customers.

I suspect that they signed up too many users in certain areas, and the exchange cannot take the load. Towards the later part of the night, I could not even log-on to Singnet. But when I tried it this morning before going to work, everything was fine! This probably means that Singnet cannot take the load during peak hours, which is when I do my surfing since I have to work in the day. ;(

I had a lots of problem with Singnet. I was one of the first to subscribe to the 10mbps when it was first launched. Got a free ibook as well (sold it). I believe that the speed and stability is worse than my previous 512k plan (magix).

Signals kept dropping and at times, cannot even even surf at all. I tried my neighbour's signal and was much faster than mine. Did the usual thing, called helpdesk and was put on hold for at least 40 mins each time. Shouted over the line, etc.

Took leave 2-3times to stay home and wait for the repairman. Each time, the situation were no better. Accordingly, they said its becos my area is not supported by ADSL+ and as such the stability of the wires to reach 10mbps is suspected.

Finally, they solved the removing all phone connections from my bedrooms. (wtf). It was okay for a while, but it was no where as fast i t hink they should be. Once the contract is up, i'm gonna switch to green...

Write to newspaper forum....they will sure have to come clean :thumbsup:

Write to newspaper forum....they will sure have to come clean :thumbsup:

no use one.... a lot of people already complained to all public sources and kan them up side down left right already... but its useless, their service just keep screw up everytime...

and the worst thing is, ppl still keep subscribing to them because of their freebies, DESPITE all the complaints known already. And everytime every month, we will have ppl complaining abt poor internet connection in clubsnap.

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