Singapore Poly!

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you from spp? (sp photography? correct me if i`m wrong ahhax)

can i join too ?
sebastian987 (DICT 05-07)

After gathering quite a list of members, when is our 1st photo shoot outing?

After gathering quite a list of members, when is our 1st photo shoot outing?

im free anytime after the first few days of hari raya.... lets go shooting guys! ;)

I m also frm SP (DECC 97-00)

Yeah i still rem my SP number and and matric num..but i think the SP one easier to rem... all numbers, NTU one got alpha and numbers... duh...:bsmilie:

So does everybody get the SP magazine regularly? Until now I still get them via post. :)

anybody from sma? =x

dmr 07' here..

lol any of u graduates turn pro photographer?? jus curious! ahhax.. i'm still schooling (SP 3rd year).. the rest of u in UNI or working already? if so what are u all working as...... hmmph curious! :D

lol any of u graduates turn pro photographer?? jus curious! ahhax.. i'm still schooling (SP 3rd year).. the rest of u in UNI or working already? if so what are u all working as...... hmmph curious! :D

since you're curious...i tell you... :bsmilie:
im still working and schooling....
working as a firefighter and studying construction management...
newbie photog...;)

lol any of u graduates turn pro photographer?? jus curious! ahhax.. i'm still schooling (SP 3rd year).. the rest of u in UNI or working already? if so what are u all working as...... hmmph curious! :D

I went to NTU now join social university already haha... :bsmilie:
Work as engineer la, nt photographer, photography is just an interest for now

1. 28degree (DMSE/1996)
2. blazer_workz (DEE/1997)
3. andrOo (DMM/ 02-05)
4. Ah_Seng (DEC 92-95)
5. yilishengxian (DMA/1999)
6. yumyum (DML/ 96-99)
7. horizon_grazer (DECC/ 95-98)
8. ZeRoCoOl (DEE/01-03)
9. Knight Ong (DEE .. 88/89-90/91) - SUPER LAO JIAO ..
10. zeith (DMA/99-02)
11. Hoky (DMM/95-98) + (ABIS/00-02)
12. John Teoh (DEE/91-94)
13. DewaKarma (DMM/95-98)
14. yllew (DBT/97-00)
15. Virgo (DEC 88/89 - 90/91)
16. GanS_n_PoserS (DCSE 96-99) - A BAD STUDENT
17. edwinywh (EEE/99-00)
18. hASHbrown_kopitiam (DAT/01-04)
19. yokechye (DAT/01-04)
20. Reno (DEE/95-98)
21. roystonk80 (DBT/97-00) - sama sama as yllew
22. legiz(DMM - Foodcourt 4 there 98-01) super lao jiao
23. palvin (DECC/99-00)
24. hongwei (DICE/93 -96)
25. WoLoh (DCE/89-92)
26. Murcielago (DBT 2001-2004)
27. cheekiang (DCPT 1997) lao jiao....
28. LeeJay (DME/90-93)
29. AndyC (DCNT 03-06) just grad last yr...not old...not young also le..
30 civicguy (DMM95/98)
31. waterlucky (MME 87-90) lao jiao of the lao jiao la.....
32. coldzephyr (DAT/01-04) young jiao.
33. MomentoEverlast (DME/1988)
34. SoonHan (EDME EO/2007)
35. log1t3ch (Darch 2005-2007)
36. Shin Howard (DECC 01-04)
37. PyeeL (DARE 08 - 11)
38. Fatale (DARCH 08')
39. Hazmee (DME '97)
40. GavinTing (DBA '08) SB YEARBOOK!
41. G-khoo (DMC 06') - omg got another gavin above me
42. dirtytripod (DARE 03-06) gogo aero! haha
43. kormmandos (DMSE 98/99 - 00/01)
44. ravenfoo

lol any of u graduates turn pro photographer?? jus curious! ahhax.. i'm still schooling (SP 3rd year).. the rest of u in UNI or working already? if so what are u all working as...... hmmph curious! :D
In uni.... continuing archi-torture.

since you're curious...i tell you... :bsmilie:
im still working and schooling....
working as a firefighter and studying construction management...
newbie photog...;)
my ex-poly-classmate also in construction management... SIM?

I m also frm SP (DECC 97-00)

Yeah i still rem my SP number and and matric num..but i think the SP one easier to rem... all numbers, NTU one got alpha and numbers... duh...:bsmilie:

ya man me too. what course u doing in ntu? i doing mech engg 2nd yr. then ntu email also not cool one right hahah.

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