Shutter Count

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nvm its done. thanks all.

is there any way to clear my shutter count, other then shooting till 9999? then restart?
I think it should not be reset by us. It is only resetable by service center. If you can reset it, you can cheating by selling old camera as new (low shutter count) ;) .


It's on the front page next to where you downloaded the programme...


* Download Preview Extractor V1.6
Important notice for users not using Windows XP: If Preview Extractor says gdiplus.dll is missing, please download gdiplus.dll here, and put gdiplus.dll in the same directory where Preview Extractor is, or in C:\Windows\system32
o A lot of bug fixes. Fixed freezing problem.
o Takes command line options!
Example) previewextractor /src:"Source folder path. Path can have spaces, but be sure to enclose it in ""." /dest:"Destination folder path".
/dest option can be omitted. Then destination folder will be the same as the source folder.
When you run Preview Extractor in command line mode, the saved default checkbox options in the registry will be used.
o Auto rotate preview images! You can turn it off if you find it too slow.
o Folder browse windows now remember the last folder used.
o It seems to work with all Nikon DSLRs...It also can extract from 1D Mark II (.CR2) files.
o Shutter Count is still a part of Preview Extractor.
o Installer version is no longer supported for bandwidth issue.
* Shutter Count - I discontinued the stand alone version of Shutter Count. Please use the Shutter Count in the Preview Extractor.
* FixNEF - If you think Nikon Capture's WB tool causes serious negative effect on the quality of your picture, then you are right. Never use Nikon Capture's White Balance tool.

gdiplus.dll here (as per website):

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