Shu Qi in AMK Hub

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Jul 18, 2006
Pasir Ris
Got info from fellow CSer she's gonna be in town to promote her film, so got my gear after ofc hours and went to AMK, I got there late, but wasn't dissappointed ;)


:thumbsup: Nice clean shots~

Got one looking straight on ... but looks like she's a deer looking at the headlights :D (stunned)

I enjoyed listening to this girl ..hehe ...

i noticed that shu qi barely smiled when she was there...maybe had something on her mind? She is pretty in person though...quite natural. :) Nice clean shots btw!

i noticed that shu qi barely smiled when she was there...maybe had something on her mind?

She got attitude wat... always play diva... :cool: in press interviews, sometimes she dun want to answer a question by reporters she'll just reburked them or say something like, "i'm not going to answer your this question as this has nothing to do with this movie." :bsmilie:

This show is real funny..:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Is it a Hong Kong movie? Or Korean movie? Or a Hong Hong + Korean production? Location filming is HK or Korea?

Hmmm past by there yesterday when I see the long queue and crowd...
no camera with me, so I went shopping instead, shops less crowded......:)

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