Show us your Leicas 2

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No need to buy mf la ck, anytime you want to play, just take from my dry cabbie, anytime....

uhmmm...maybe I should pass Dr your poison (aka Rollei6001) since I'm already a MF-poison carrier:devil::devil:

Just bought this chrome Leica M7 yesterday. :)
It nice & minty.

Never thought I would see the day, Dr. digital M8 has converted back to his first love - film camera!!! Congrats bro!!! Really glad you've joined us.

uhmmm...maybe I should pass Dr your poison (aka Rollei6001) since I'm already a MF-poison carrier:devil::devil:

Vince, CK is a relative, he gets all the good stuff.....the H3, the SL66 and the leaf aptus....:bsmilie:

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Vince, CK is a relative, he gets to good stuff.....the H3, the SL66 and the leaf aptus....:bsmilie:

cool...only the best for the best:)

No need to buy mf la ck, anytime you want to play, just take from my dry cabbie, anytime....

uhmmm...maybe I should pass Dr your poison (aka Rollei6001) since I'm already a MF-poison carrier:devil::devil:

Vince, CK is a relative, he gets all the good stuff.....the H3, the SL66 and the leaf aptus....:bsmilie:

that is, if i ever own the H3 and leaf aptus :bsmilie: til then he can use my little Yashica 124G

Thanks for the offer Sir.
But I'm happy & contented with my RF.:)

Never thought I would see the day, Dr. digital M8 has converted back to his first love - film camera!!! Congrats bro!!! Really glad you've joined us.

Hehehe, got this M7 cos M6J too sayang to use leh.
M7 has got aperture priority & that's how I shoot. For the occasional film itch...:bsmilie:
Shooting chrome now to familiarise myself with the metering.

Hehehe, got this M7 cos M6J too sayang to use leh.
M7 has got aperture priority & that's how I shoot. For the occasional film itch...:bsmilie:
Shooting chrome now to familiarise myself with the metering.

I take over m6j la CK....I sayang sayang it as I use it....:D

Grrrrr. Film not nice and waste of money, and still need to develop. Better to stick with M8 digital, cheaper with instant replay. Not worth the headache.

Hehehe, got this M7 cos M6J too sayang to use leh.
M7 has got aperture priority & that's how I shoot. For the occasional film itch...:bsmilie:
Shooting chrome now to familiarise myself with the metering.

Grrrrr. Film not nice and waste of money, and still need to develop. Better to stick with M8 digital, cheaper with instant replay. Not worth the headache.

Good try, Ms Nakano.......Just cos I'm stealth & fast ...and beat you to it! hahaha....:sticktong

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I take over m6j la CK....I sayang sayang it as I use it....:D

Hehehe... M6J got queue from as far away as Hong Kong...BuT not ready to part with it yet!
I would definitely keep it in Singapore if and when I let it go. :angel:

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Hehehe... M6J got queue from as far away as Hong Kong...BuT not ready to part with it yet!
I would definitely keep it in Singapore if and when I let it go. :angel:

queue to pasir panjang can already lor.....

Hey. Im new here and new with Leica. This is my love!:)

Great taste!!

Here is my little M6TTL next to hookonclassic's big monster!!!

Hehe...Sometime....B I a beauty...
This just shown how small and portable is a RF system.

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