Should i get a 5D3 or just a 2nd hand 5D2?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Hi guys, quick question. I have owned and used a 5D2 before and since exchanged it for a 1D3. I'm planning for a trip to japan in may and would love to have a full frame as walkaround. Would be great to get a 5D3 but the cost is hard to justify as well as the 5D2 price is also dropping.... What do u guys think?

haha I'm in your shoes and I will be getting the 5D3. If you compare the specs, 5D3 easily runs circle around 1D3 unless pro-body/ weather-seal is a must.

Will be getting the 5D3 by end of the year, when its price drops to more sensible level. Not getting the 5D2 as well as other than its IQ everything seems to be a step backward from 1D3.

My 2 cents.

people going in May le..

dont think he need to wait for price drop la.

got money just get the 5D3.

Ha... Thanks for the advices.
Got money but not a lot ha.... Almost twice the price!!
For traveling pics, do I really need all the additional stuff from 5D3...that's the hurdle I need to cross...

Ha... Maybe I should clarify. I got the 1D3 to shoot sports. Never used it to travel before. Not keen to use my trusty old 40D for my big trip even though I'm sure it's up to task.... It's the virus.... BBB....

Ha... Thanks for the advices.
Got money but not a lot ha.... Almost twice the price!!
For traveling pics, do I really need all the additional stuff from 5D3...that's the hurdle I need to cross...

for me travelling dun really need the fast af. but the ISO quality is a plus.

unless of course u also do video.

Then the question is how often will you be traveling? If we're talking about 1 long trip per year then it's really not easy to justify no?

If u ever wanna buy 5D3 n sell back a few months later, then u'll be making a lot of ppl happy! :D Should you decide to take that path, remember, I'm Q#1 ;P :)

Good luck with your decision n enjoy ur holiday! :)

Ha... Maybe I should clarify. I got the 1D3 to shoot sports. Never used it to travel before. Not keen to use my trusty old 40D for my big trip even though I'm sure it's up to task.... It's the virus.... BBB....

just go for the best. don't think too much. sell 1D3.:bsmilie:

larlarloo said:
If u ever wanna buy 5D3 n sell back a few months later, then u'll be making a lot of ppl happy! :D Should you decide to take that path, remember, I'm Q#1 ;P :)

Good luck with your decision n enjoy ur holiday! :)

Ha... Really doubt I will sell if I buy it. Still got my 300D which I gave to my friend

MechaEd said:
Then the question is how often will you be traveling? If we're talking about 1 long trip per year then it's really not easy to justify no?

At least 1 long trip I hope??

You said your 40D is trusty and up to the task, yet you are resisting using it for the trip? I think the trip is just an excuse to get a new toy. You are already at the stage where you are ready to spend the money. You just need a final push. Let me help you - Life is short, just do it. :)

just surrender to BBB virus lah, TS. :bsmilie:

True. If you have the moolah, go for the 5D Mk3. Else the 5D Mk2 would fit the bill just fine.


At least 1 long trip I hope??

If you go often enough I guess it's easier to justify getting a 4k ++ camera.

I considered getting the 5DII instead of the 5DIII but having tried my friend's 5DII over the last week, I'm not sure I would go with the 5DII if the 5DIII improves on ISO, AWB and AF performance. Except for the full frame sensor, I'm not convinced it's significantly better than my 60D.

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If you go often enough I guess it's easier to justify getting a 4k ++ camera.

I considered getting the 5DII instead of the 5DIII but having tried my friend's 5DII over the last week, I'm not sure I would go with the 5DII if the 5DIII improves on ISO, AWB and AF performance. Except for the full frame sensor, I'm not convinced it's significantly better than my 60D.

Actually also depends alot on your shooting style. Portraiture and landscape then 5D series will shine. You will appreciate the significantly less noise on the FF sensor. Lastly, do you print your photos. If you don't. even a 550D is good enough then. Frankly speaking if you shoot portraits or landscape often, you will see the difference when you open up the file in your PC, at least that's what I see :)

I personally feel that RAW shots taken with the FF camera is easier to correct in DPP or LR, as compared to those taken from cropped cameras. Maybe it's just me.

MechaEd said:
If you go often enough I guess it's easier to justify getting a 4k ++ camera.

I considered getting the 5DII instead of the 5DIII but having tried my friend's 5DII over the last week, I'm not sure I would go with the 5DII if the 5DIII improves on ISO, AWB and AF performance. Except for the full frame sensor, I'm not convinced it's significantly better than my 60D.

Have not tried the 60D but I will be quite surprise if the iso control is better than the 5d2 though.