Share some RF shots....

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Compact Cam: Rollei Prego 90 (pano mode)
Agfa APX 400

if it wasnt for the erp gantry, i would have tot it's a 1950s photo!
really nice!


Compact Cam: Rollei Prego 90 (pano mode)
Agfa APX 400


I decided to process one of my Taj Mahal shots with Silver Efex Pro. The Sepia did the trick giving the Taj an 'old look'. Camera: M8/21 Asph



I decided to process one of my Taj Mahal shots with Silver Efex Pro. The Sepia did the trick giving the Taj an 'old look'. Camera: M8/21 Asph


You just need to put in a fake 4x5 border or something to make it look even more authentic... :)

Contax T2, E100VS

Last weekend @ Marina Square




one shot at baybeats, on superia 1600 :) it was pretty difficult shooting with a 40mm lens though, the performers were all so far away!

r4a + cv 21/4
lucky 100 shd, thx to ngebor for teachin me develop and let me use his chemical ;)



You just need to put in a fake 4x5 border or something to make it look even more authentic... :)

I printed this photo using Epson VFA and Museo Silver Rag. The latter with its warmer tone works well with this scene. This gives it an old world look. Someone commented this looks like a photo from the 1900!

N.S. Ng

How did you process your Acros 100? I'm about to play with some for the first time (in 120 out of a 4x5 camera). At home I have a bit of Rodinal, some DD-X, some T-Max developer, and a ton of HC-110.

I use HC110 ( Dil.H 1:63 ) 11mins
stopbath use tap water
Ilford Rapid Fixer (1:3) 2-5mins
last step 20min tap water bath

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