Share Some RF Shots 3

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ditto, what Jack said. Very nice indeed!!


Wow.. Swee :thumbsup:

Sure! You can also try other 'poisons', not just Naughtylust:)

okok.. saturday u go peninsular PM me. can loan or not.? hehee. :)

With your kind of skill... don't think u need expensive gears...

I think u should stick to point & shoot film cameras... and I believe u can still do wonders.

i think it is not all about taking a good photograph, but all the meticulous craftmanship of making a photographic gear that make it look like a piece of art, and i appreciate. point & shoot or plastic cameras won't give me that kind of feel...

btw, this LTM 15mm got a centre filter or not? 1.5 EV stop off lehh, not easy to correct with my cheapo scanner... sometime i got so bekchek, convert all to monochrome..


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okok.. saturday u go peninsular PM me. can loan or not.? hehee. :)

i think it is not all about taking a good photograph, but all the meticulous craftmanship of making a photographic gear that make it look like a piece of art, and i appreciate. point & shoot or plastic cameras won't give me that kind of feel...

btw, this LTM 15mm got a centre filter or not? 1.5 EV stop off lehh, not easy to correct with my cheapo scanner... sometime i got so bekchek, convert all to monochrome..

That's why they come up with the M mount one to let people put on a filter. :bsmilie:

thats what i find in this 15mm also.. must always overexpose, tend to vignetting like mad.

anyone have any pics with OM 21mm f2 on a m mount body???

Boochap, told u long time ago, ur are the Master :p

a couple more to round off the long weekend...

m2, 35summicronIV, fp4

By Contax G2, 45mm, f2


boochap... to bring your skill to next level... maybe you should consider this... :)

Same goes to anyone who wants to improve... definitely beats gears lusting.. :bsmilie:

I would definitely sign up if I don't need to baby sit... :sweat:

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