Share Some RF Shots 14

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canon 50/1.5 ltm





M8.2, cv35mm f1.4

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M6 canon 35f2



Crowded today at the railway tracks

M8 + 35 Cron ASPH




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Just some handheld shots comparing the Reid Taylor Hobson 50mm f/2 to the Leica 50mm f/0.95. First pic is the Reid Taylor Hobson at f/2, second one is the Leica Noc at f/2 and last is the Noc wide open at f/0.95. Minimum focusing distance and handheld played a very big part so this is by no means an accurate test. It is just for fun.




Bro where are the Prague ladies?????? ;p

Bradpitt this one is for you. Pair of Dresden lovebirds. They were kissing like nobodies business before I took the snap

Trix - X + Diafine

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Crowded today at the railway tracks

M8 + 35 Cron ASPH

sure hope you're not the person whom i saw drop a leica lens on the the track :bheart:

Myeongdong is a dong in downtown Seoul which is pretty much one of the main shopping districts in Seoul. It is pretty much their Orchard road equivalent, but in their usual Eastern tradition, the area is a cluster of alleys where one could possibly get lost in if one were completely new to the area. The area has its kind of charm, albeit mostly modern and quite Americanised. It has its food alley ways no less, lined with shops selling Korean food. It was raining like nuts when I was there, and I had to shoot with one umbrella and camera in other other hand, using hyperfocusing or zone focusing, whichever was more convenient. These shots were done with Carl Zeiss 25mm/f2.8, using Solaris 800 film.

Myeongdong Shopping Area by Darth Solarion, on Flickr

Eatery alley by Darth Solarion, on Flickr

Xiao Long Bao? by Darth Solarion, on Flickr

Eatery Alley shop by Darth Solarion, on Flickr

As I said, it was raining like nuts during my time there, and people were walking around with umbrellas, and naturally, couples stuck very close to each other, through thick and thin..,.

Holding Each Other Close Under an Umbrella by Darth Solarion, on Flickr


Prayer at Waterloo


With his sun-scorched skin as his diving-suit and bare-feet as his flippers, he dived deep into the black glassiness to maneuver his net.
He did not seem to tire and when we left, he was still at it.
I never did see him catch anything though, despite his apparent skill and admirable doggedness.

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