Share Some RF Shots 14

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nice series from your new camera!!

virgin RF post =) hope to learn more from the pros

I spy with my little eye

Waiting as the world goes by

Eat, Spit, Sleep... repeat.

welcome Royce!

Another one from Chinatown from last night. Can't decide whether i prefer the colour or b&w version better.....


I like the color shot for this one:)

Jon, this is on film? Nice. Never thought Mr. Benny Ng would buy a modern lens.

Thanks! Yep, this is Fuji Provia 100F scanned with a Coolscan 5000.



Love the color here!

Ah...Benny Ng's modern Leica lens...that's news...:D

Nice color...:D

Thanks guys! Here's another one taken with Benny's 50/1.4 ASPH. I couldn't decide how to crop it, so just left the shot uncropped. I kinda like it that way. BTW the shoe wearer is a girl around 18 - 20 y.o. and quite cute too ;)

matching shoes and socks by jonmanjiro, on Flickr

First roll of colors on the Noct. Shot on M3 with setting mostly 1/1000s f1.0 for indoor and f2.8 for outdoor. Using Ektar 100 films.

Love the colours in this series. That Ektar scans very nicely - very slide film-ish.

Funny shot. Nice timing!

Love the sense of movement in this shot.

nothing like a quick shoot about town to wind down a work day..

Brad Pitt's short-lived Russian love affair with the Kiev88..

Corner Kick

Kids hanging out

Evening run at the bay

In the mood for love

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