Share Some RF Shots 13

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Yes! I like this "old" bus shot and how that red dress added some "colour" to the shot. .:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Wow cool, where did you managed to hop onto this old school bus?

Thanks guys for your encouragements.
This picture was taken sometime last year onboard a public bus in Malacca.
I'd decided to hop on a local bus to see more of Malacca, and it certainly was a ride back to nostalgia for me.

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M2 | Lux 50mm pre-ash


Anyone know who is this fella? The pics of him is up in the rooms at Hard Rock Hotel!


Must be huge Generation GAP!!! Jimi to me, was the greatest guitarist ever lived!!! More than Eric Clapton, Slash and all other guitarists. Ever more than my personal hero - Peter Green. :)

Pikapig, go google or youtube on this guy. You may start another hobby??? :)

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Re-visiting some of my old shots from HK

Leica M8 + CV Nokton 35/1.2 Aspherical


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Sharing a couple of snaps from Nara in Japan. The deer there are not shy and their favourite foods seem to include icecream and camera straps...;p Tri-X with CV 35mm f1.4 on a Bessa R2a.





M2 | Lux 50mm pre-ash

Ernest ur pics are all swee swee one..the color is so nice! Is this slides or some expensive negatives?

Ernest ur pics are all swee swee one..the color is so nice! Is this slides or some expensive negatives?

tks for the compliments, this was taken with cheap effiniti color negatives ;)

"To everything there is a season..."

One old coffee shop (1950? - early 2011)

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