Share some MF photos .... part 5

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Gotten my first successful roll of pics from my Rolleicord Rapid Compur III
film is expired Ektacolor
Amazed with the sharpness...


indoor seems alright but guess outdoor needs a lens hood!

Im amazed with the pictures here....:)

Fomapan 400 developed in Rodinal 1+100.


love this shot bro.. very dreamy.. surprisingly cool tones from the 400vc.. could easily mistaken it for provia..

I was suprised by the tones too. Perhaps the multi exposure + cool evening light had to a part.

I like lighting...dreamy feel with double exposure...will be perfect if without the branches background...congrat on your Rolly...

Tks bro!

Swing, Singapore!



Long time since I posted... Here are some from Taiwan shot on negs (Ektar 100 or Kodak 400VC) with the Mamiya 6. Got lazy and just let the lab scan it this time then adjusted in Lightroom.

Tarako Gorge

Tarako Gorge 2

Kenting National Park

Sailrock, Kenting

Mao Bi Kou (Not sure the English name), Kenting

The rest are on flickr, although mostly 35mm...




Hasselblad 500 C/M
50/4 Distagon & 80/2.8 Planar
Agfa APX & Tri-X

Long time since I posted... Here are some from Taiwan shot on negs (Ektar 100 or Kodak 400VC) with the Mamiya 6. Got lazy and just let the lab scan it this time then adjusted in Lightroom.

The rest are on flickr, although mostly 35mm...

The colors and the details of the water especially in the last one is simply full of details!! hahahha

The colors and the details of the water especially in the last one is simply full of details!! hahahha

That's one of the reasons for shooting MF, the details are much more that if you shoot 35mm.. :)

That's one of the reasons for shooting MF, the details are much more that if you shoot 35mm.. :)

heheh, I must start shooting 35mm and see how much am I seeing now hahhaa

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