Sembawang Rulezzz: Discussion/Gatherings

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lol dunno see them lo...err supper at macs?? =p i dont mind that...

Ashley which block do you stay at ?

aww!! no fair..i stay at block 330 which is quite a distance walk to block 406...i lazyyyyyyyyy

Hey, I'm free tonight. Cos my whole family out liao. Dinner or supper On? just let me know place and time to meet.

Hp 98191496:lovegrin:

aww!! no fair..i stay at block 330 which is quite a distance walk to block 406...i lazyyyyyyyyy

Haha, 330 walk to 406 yeah not very near. I used to go to the area around 330 for tuition.

ima going..^^ sneaking out yep meet you guys there... SUPPER YES! food lalala food lalala food!!

camera no need unless you wanna ask something abt it.. =)
lappy is optional.. no power point to plug in lappy... so run on batts only

ima bringing my lappy..can someone teach me photoshop ^^ ima covering my bf's niece's first month..i think...=/ so i wanna learn photoshop so can give them a nice cd to remember the day..^^

Damn, I can't get out at this hour. Enchantedream good luck with your learning.

lol seriously all guys OMG!! my bf will kill me but nvm haha...

Lol i'm new in this thread, and i have a bf too.
btw, imho, think i can safely say that im quite equipped with the basics of photoshop, so feel free to ask me anything. :)

um..also, may i ask if you're a student? heh.

back!! =p...thanks ashley =p ima now trying my photoshop...=/

Wahh...happening yesterday nite ah....haha...din realise...still waiting for my D60...

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