Seems that A350 is cheaper now....

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If warranty diff is ~100++ ...why dont pay for the peace of mind?

Oh..i used exchange rate of 1:5.6. It's about there, can't count to the exact as the rate may change. Thanks.
Btw, The price diff b/w A300 and A350 is only HK$300. The price gap is much smaller then in s'pore.

If warranty diff is ~100++ ...why dont pay for the peace of mind?

Quite true.. now still considering if to buy in s'pore or HK.

A350 body only @ CP w/o GST S$1080

Sony A350 Body @S$1010.00

Note all pricing before GST hor...

A350 body only @ CP w/o GST S$1080

Paladin said that he was quoted $1010 b4 Gst at CP
DigitalHygro says $1080 b4 Gst also at CP,

so who is right? :dunno:
or does CP see face and chop carrot when it can? :sweat:

Based on info, I rechecked with CP and got quote $1010 B4 GST (after bargain :bsmilie:) This forum is really helpful... tks. Now considering to buy it....

Paladin said that he was quoted $1010 b4 Gst at CP
DigitalHygro says $1080 b4 Gst also at CP,

so who is right? :dunno:
or does CP see face and chop carrot when it can? :sweat:

Ya. Mine is e-quote 1010 b4 GST. I also checked MS...they are more at 1060 but their quote comes with LCS protector (maybe cost >$10) it is $50 diff....

A350 is now the most talked about DSLR in town.. i am expecting better offers this coming PC show... and also possible launch of A900.

A350 is now the most talked about DSLR in town.. i am expecting better offers this coming PC show... and also possible launch of A900.
it might be possible that the A900 would be launching in singapore... they've already done so with the T300

but i think i'll wait first... haha...

Anyone knows the price of A300 at CP(with 1 lens)? MS quote me $1048 (b4 GST). Hope can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Please compare the prices with the GST... remember GST is 7% these days! For $1000, it's $7...

Oh yeah! Typo... not small change for me...

Price for A350 (1 lens kit) is HK$5210 (around S$930). Most of the shop i checked out of stock for the A350.
Decided not to buy there due to warranty is only applicable to HK, I abit kiasu. haha

I just bought the A300 @ MScolor. Now still exploring it. :)

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