Seeking advices for my new house (Kitchen) - Washer, Dryer, Water heater Part 1

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Jason Ho

Active Member
Jan 17, 2002
After settling my aircon requirement for my new house, now I need to find out more for Washer, Dryer, Fridge, Heater, Hob and cooker units lol. Let me start from the 1st 3.

I did some homework and visited other forums. And since we have a large population of forumers here, I thought its also good for me to get some tips from fellow CSers :)

Based on my new house (or every new HDB house) design, my kitchen space is smallllllll. Even my current house kitchen is more spacious than my new house :( As a result, after allocating space for all my equipments needed for my kitchen needs, I have bearly 1 meter of walking space.

Washer and Dryer units

Due to the space constraint, I found out that its going to be super challenging for hanging washed clothes internally. And worse of all, the exterior clothes hanger are now hidden in shade. That means no sunlights/sunshine until it's noon sun.

After discussing with my contractor, its seems like the dryer is almost a must for me. Sigh. Since my family has never use a dryer before, I like to get some tips and recommendations from fellow CSers. Here are some info (and rumours hehe) what I gather (please correct me if I am wrong) about Dryer.

- Some washer comes with dryer but its suggested to get a seperate dryer so that washing and dryer can be split into batches in case theres a lot of clothes.

- Its must faster . After the washing, clothes can be dryed within an hour.

- Every piece of clothing needs to be ironed after the drying process

- Compared to hanging clothes under the sun, clothes that are processed by the dryer will have some odour smell ? (rumours lol)

- Different price for different brands. Any recommendation and experience that fellow CSers can share with me ?

As for washer, my current washer is 9kg load as my wife likes to wash everything in 1 go lol. And i have 4 adults 2 children in my house. I was recommended a 6-7kg washer and i was told that I just need to split into 2 batches of washing at the most.

I was advised washer nowadays are around $600-700 to 1k. Good (expensive?) ones allow features like warm water processing. I was looking at a few brands like LG, Electrolux, Fisher and Paykel. Any recommendation from CSers? :)


Man, another new thing for me lol. I was told that most people go with a centralised heater (and water tank) system. And theres indeed a "pre-allocated" space in my kitchen for that with even all the power point, cold and hold water inlet and outlet all ready.

And I was advised that I can have both GAS and Electrical heaters.

- Gas heater are cheaper, and in fact City Gas offer a new few gas heater and tank PLUS installation for every new house in my block.

- I was told Electrical ones are faster and easier to control but it cost more

- Rumour : Gas ones are more noisy and older people are worried gas ones can explode ;p

Any experience that fellow CSers can share with me about Gas heater and Electical ones?

Thanks in advance for all advices , suggestions and recommendations :)

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