SEA Aquarium Lens Recommendation

Hi bros, are we allowed to bring tripod/monopod into the aquarium? Thanks.

Hmm..Was there just 2 days ago. Monday. I saw some tripods. So I think..its allowed. But u might not want to..because
1) Not much space.
2) Too many people (especially during weekends..)

Since i was there on a Monday.. 11-2pm not much people..but traffic was still busy..later 2.30-4..more tour groups will enter + our local Pri/sec school kids (educational tour).

Only for some exhibit flash photography is not allowed..
There will have signboards and sometimes staff standing there to ensure..


Thanks for the clarification.

This photo was shot without flash, handheld. There are a few exhibits that are fairly well lit.

ISO160 50MM F2.8 1/160S, 6D+24-70F2.8


Any advice if the olympus 60mm with just aperture of f2.8 can survive inside?

Any advice if the olympus 60mm with just aperture of f2.8 can survive inside?

Not sure what you mean... but even my 12-50 with a much smaller aperture could take decent photos in aquarium, I don't see any problem with 60mm... of course if you mean the survival rate of your camera + lens when dropping them into the aquarium... then that is another story all by itself.

Haha I meant surviving low lights and blur images sorry. ..ah ic..thanks !