Scripts supported by CS

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Senior Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Good day,

PHP (4.3.0+)
MySQL (3.23.23+)
Linux/Unix server running Apache 1.3+
Windows server running IIS 5.0+ or Apache 1.3+

Please advise if CS server is able to support the above? I've PMed Jason and Darren to no avail..


Anyone? Mods seems to be busy lately..

I need to fill up

MySQL Server: no idea
Database name: no idea
Username: (shld be my username)
Password: (shld be my pwd)

Any pros out there please help!!

I think if you are intending to run any forums or databases on your webspace, you will need advanced approval as I believe that the CS webspace doesn't allow such resource intensive hostings.

That is of course assuming that you are - maybe you aren't and I read it wrongly :p

No lah, I'm not intending to run any forums. A photo gallery that I have needs to have those information before I can install it and start uploading pictures. Now I need to find another server that can support MySQL.

Try pm the admin, I believe it should be able to support MySQL since VB runs on that.

No lah, I'm not intending to run any forums. A photo gallery that I have needs to have those information before I can install it and start uploading pictures. Now I need to find another server that can support MySQL.

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