SassyStrawberry:- A Doll a Day~ (BJDs)

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evildolly said:
Sigma 150mm F2.8 Macro.

This one :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Can't wait to see more in this gallery ;)

Thank you^_^
been super busy this week, so haven't been able to take any pics.

they aren't pullips:) I have blythes, but they aren't as interesting to me to photograph:)

More Interview w/ the Vampire inspired work~

Lestat, Claudia & Madeleine?


wow! this is really nice evildolly! great stuff..... and i just went to do a search on these dolls... seems like they're REALLY expensive eh.... wahhh but they're really beautiful....

AMAZING DOLLS! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
did u put lip gloss on them?

zcf: thank you^_^

bja: thank you^_^ yes, they are a bit pricey, but they are my muses ^_~ without them i wouldn't have the inspiration to take better photos.

bigbun: LOL! haha, no lip gloss. but you can use eyeshadow/blush on them, ^_^

A bit more experimental

wow. really love this entire series. :thumbsup: cant wait for more!

i sure would like to take some photos of these dolls... :)
are they for rental? ;p

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