Sarong Party Girl

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Yin said:
xxx boy>erm. have you ever read her articles at all? where are you looking down to? can't a proud chinese girl yearn for a white spouse? :) can't a chinese man lust over a white vixen?

people might say that she's an attention seeker, but remember... she's not the one who published the articles about her sex life and nude photos on ST.

jsbn>while my then vice principal was in the fault, the newspapers displayed his photographs in large sizes, complete with his family details... wife, children. i cannot imagine what his family was going through with so many nosy singaporeans around. it's the fault of one man, but the whole family was humiliated in national newspapers.
Reminds me of the old days where the Emperor will order his men not only will seize an official's assets but execute his entire family as well. :D

Our papers seem to be enjoying doing dat it seems.

Anyway, someone got caught in the crossfire as well. :bsmilie: Absolutely hilrarious I must say....

Manfred Ng said:
Bug by my curiousity from the media, i was there at her blog yesterday, spending a whole two hours going through her posting, you might think i am sick, but after spending two hours at the blog i felt as if i had gone through a life long lesson from this young and energetic lady.

I am impress by how she view the bible, how she view the world and her kind of values.

Guys, if you keep an open mind and try reading the blog, i think you will have second thoughts about her views, the way the media put it is rather pessimistic. She obviously don't think that way and i feel that what she says are rather the facts of life.

I think it is the way we were brought up, a lot of us were being brought up rather traditionally with all the conservatives values from our great grand grand ancesters but have you really ask yourself is this for good or for bad? Is this what you want? Are you mature enough to reason out and differentiate between what you want and what is good for yourself instead of following your peers.

Her thought give me a new view in myself. I am very impress on how widely she read and her good command of english. I think she can be a very good presenter and sales person if she wants to.

Coming to the issue of skin colour, i am rather surprise that singapore being a multiracial society, do still separate skin colours. Try visiting a all black bar in South africa and you will know what i mean.

I remember the last time i was there to one of this black bar, minutes before entering the bar, the entire place still rocks and you can hear ppl yelling, the moment my company of friends enter the bar, even the mosquitos were quiet. The only thing that ram in the night is the music from the CDs the DJs were staring at us. There was about 10 min. of silence when chattering were heard and things get back to normal. It is the kind of experience you will never forget.

So be more open and more accomodating, this world will be a better place.

Pick what is good and make your own judgement call whether they are good values or bad. I would say not all of her thoughts were good but to each its own. Enjoy.
Between one's ideals as well as their ricebowl. Most would choose the latter even if it means betraying their ideals.

A journalist can't simply write what he wants. Not in asian countries where media is more regulated. I think we shld all cut the journalist and editors some slack (he's gotta eat, sleep and live in a HDB flat as well) and direct our fire elsewhere.... perhaps... the regulations in force? :think: Some of you are bosses and I'm sure at times those regulations had us by the balls and we have to bend our backs to do something that we don't really like at times.

Still, seeing such sensational headlines like artistic nudes is quite unbecoming of ST. Reminds me of those Chinese Papers where I refer to as the Gossip Times. I thought a National Paper should be more focused and serious in its overtures?

Acceptance is all we need.

jsbn>funny how people assume that all family members are accountable for what 1 person in the family had done. it happens everywhere, not just in singapore... like a cancer.

tupi guy>as long as people cannot think for themselves why they should/not accept certain things, it'll be useless.

(Un)fortunately, like it or not, a family unit works when the whole family is accountable to each other. It's a correct assumption.

So, for better or worse, if someone in the family makes a mistake, the whole family is involved. How they are involved, though, are what values the family holds--it could be condemnation of the person who made the mistake, or it could be support (not ruling out discipline) and going through the whole ordeal together.

Family members are the only ones who will stick together with you no matter what happens.

All being said, I'm still hold firm to the stand what whatever "artistic nude" pictures on SPG's blog should still be best kept in her own private folder--simply because not everyone on the Internet is mature enough to handle such pictures, and the Internet is 'public accessible', even to the minors.

I have not seen the pics for myself, nor read her blog, so I don't really understand why she posted those pictures on her blog. (Anyone care to fill me in?) I couldn't really think of any reasons that justifies such actions...

To put things back into perspective though, I must say the local media hyped up the whole thing...

Yin said:
tupi guy>as long as people cannot think for themselves why they should/not accept certain things, it'll be useless.

:) ;)

ah pao>i have a friend who is a child of a kept wife. his father's legal wife hated the kept wife and her child(which is totally normal) my friend, who definitely didn't choose to be born like that, has to endure being looked down at. people at the church, people at his neighbourhood... all knew about his status. all of them shunned my friend and his mother. i know it sounds like a drama... but they're a korean family, and the korean community in their town is small... and things like that happen.

go through the whole ordeal together, of course. my point is that people shouldn't go and point fingers at every single family member and insult them for things they're not guilty of. plus, it's not their business. they should keep their nose out of it. unless the whole family is guilty of the crime, i don't see why they should be exposed, full name and school and everything, including occupation, to the public.

also, individuals within a family have their own secrets they don't share with other family members. it's a common thing.

it's the freedom of expression. she's free to post whatever she likes up there, unless stated otherwise by regulations of the service provider. you're free to voice your disapproval of her as well, of course. however, you don't have the right to force her from expressing herself.

and yes, the local media was just looking for scantcladtional news to rack in dollars. i can't say that they're fools though :) just a bit on the inconsiderate and nosy side.

benign>he meant not for you to turn into sarong party girl/guy/shim, but to be more open minded. i don't have the right to command your mind to open itself magically. i think singapore will be much more harmonious if people start to try to understand why other people do certain things before they throw on the insults.

What in question is not about being open minded, but compromise! You are living in Asia, it is a place deep with traditions, even I often have to make adjustments to it. The reason for me in doing so is sparing the thoughts for the masses= consensus. As the old saying goes: When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. Pssstt, when you don't like can alway take a break in ang moh's land u know. The fact is it takes time for a place to embrace new ideas.

Personally, I find traditions has its virtues. It has kept us together for thousands of years. It symbolises honour and trust. Which today modern world is definitely lacking of....being overly materialistic and selfish.

I don't condemn interracial marriage at all. In fact, one of my maternal family relative is married to Malay Muslim, my immediate cousin sista is married to ang moh in Australia. But often what provoke me in telling the SPGs off is, dun openly 'praises' ang moh betta or 'dua ki'. Yes, it is first hand experience openly said to me by a lady friend of mine. For watever reason I dunno, maybe her first bf was asian. Coz being brough up in ang moh land, it ain't tat great to being ang moh. Wait till you get personally in touch with the culture itself, it has its pros and cons.

Ironically, since I set foot back in Melbourne. The ang moh gals being more than receptive to me was a real surprise, openly inquisitive abt Eastern cultures such as cuisines, yoga, philosophy and more current Fung Shui :bsmilie: Yes, the world is changing, certainly compared to what it was when I was 13 yrs old residing in Australia.

I dunno what wrong with mama? I do think the world of my mum. She is the pillar of my family. The relentless effort she put in the family will never go unforgotten. If you do some researchs on great men/women, parents do play a big role in their habits/upbringings. I am really sorry to say if you don't appreciate your roots, in this case your parents. What kind of respect you think you can give to a society/country in general.

For watever reason it may seemed, if we stop thinking about how others feel before we do and say. I just think the person is plain selfish or with a hidden agenda.

Thanks for putting up with me at all. I know I ain't an easy person to accomodate........ ;)

p/s: About me turning into SPG was a joke, I know what I am....Being uniquely part of Asia.

when things does not affect oneself, he/she can give big talk about it.

i remember during the sars, FD said that he dont understand whats all the commotion about family wanting to go to HK or China (if i remember correctly) and the rest of the famliy object to it, blar blar blar.

but as the public get more updated news, he begins to see the problem and he too said he will not agree his family member go.

so you see, the fact that it is not your family (mother, sister, wife, daughter) who post her artistic nude photo onto the net, its easy for one to says it ok, its her freedom of expression.

remember the ana... ch.. who did singapore "proud" by setting the world record for having sex with the most no of man within a period of time? tell me she has the senese of resposibility towards her family. would you have approve it if one of your family tells you she wants to top her record and do your family and singapore proud? world your father, brother, HUSBAND feel proud? remember, its her freedom of expression.

If the subject is not Singaporean, would anyone raise an eyebrow? If you stumble upon a blog, saw one nude portrait, would it stick to your mind? Probably not. But then again, one of the issues iS on a member's responsibility to the larger society she is involved in.

Next question. if the subject is not SPG, would there be such an uproar? Her inclination towards westerners, coupled with her disdain for locals - made her a very unlikeable person, especially for Singaporean males. Chances are, many Singaporean males who even bothered to read her blog, not whatever the press and media hyped about, would not like her very much, and hence very quick to judge.

Being a Singaporean male, I didn't like what she wrote. She seems misguided, but that's my judgement. However, where the nude portrait is concerned, I don't think she infringed on anyone's privacy by posting it on the net. Even if you type key words associated with nudity and blogs, you probably would never have stumbled upon her blog. Even if you dID stumble upon her blog, you have to plough through what she writes to find the nude photo. How, if that's the case, would she have offended a larger society?

She did not irresponsibly expose the minor in Singapore on her nude photo. The minors would need to read the news in order to find her blog. So the issue of responsibility towards the Singaporean society, is overblown.

And think about it. Saying that "what she did reflects badly on her mother" is akin to saying "your mother never teach you one is it?" (quoting from another blog). If anything like this was published in US, or many other places for that matter, this would have seriously amounted to libel.

She might have implicated her family in what would at most be considered as an insensitive act. But since when has it been another person's role to poke his/her nose in someone else's family affair?

The whole issue had been overblown way out of proportion. She's 19. At an age where the youth think they know what they want. At an age where people are very sure of the path of life they are threading down. She wanted to make a strong statement on her individuality. It is the passerbys option to give his/her attention to read her statement. It was not imposed in an over-sized print; misguiding headlines; with sensational, non-contextual comments. Before I read her blog, the impression I got from the media was some kid having a blog just to show off her naked body.

Ultimately, let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone. I abhor her attitude towards locals, and her brazen sexuality and self-suggested promiscuity. But that's just me. She has her right to her preferences. However, she has never imposed herself on my life, or affected my life in any negative way. The same cannot be said for the society's impact on hers. I'm sure glad the way I choose to lead my life has so far been left alone by the society.

I don't see the connection between an individual's actions and how he/she was brought up by the family. Everyone is free to choose their own paths and whatever they want to do, so why must it always be someone else's fault when something that a person does isn't what the views of a conservative society are? So by this school of thought it indicates all people growing up in a staunchly religious household are good, and have fantastic morals? If our society is indeed conservative then why not remove all tv programs which depict any form of sex. Remove all shows that promote promiscuous lifestyles, and maybe even shows that have ang moh in them. Btw ang moh here isn't a derogatory term, it's just what we're used to calling the caucasians.

What's wrong with someone preferring ang moh to asian? Just because they like ang moh dosen't mean their parents raised them wrongly, and now they are filled with bad values blah blah. Get off your moralistic high horses, seriously. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. People's preferences are also subject to moralistic/value issues?

Posting a nude pic on the internet? Is that so bad? 'What if children see it??' Please trust me children have seen much more than this, just google or yahoo any part of the human anatomy and you'll see why. Who asked the press to go and dig her blog and let the whole of Singapore judge her? She is just living her life the way she wants to, and I see nothing wrong with that. She is perfectly fine in dealing with everything on her own, but no, people have to start sliming her family. All the hypocrites, just please take a back seat. Lots of more 'controversial' news for you people to criticize on in the future.

Benign said:
What in question is not about being open minded, but compromise! You are living in Asia, it is a place deep with traditions, even I often have to make adjustments to it. The reason for me in doing so is sparing the thoughts for the masses= consensus. As the old saying goes: When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. Pssstt, when you don't like can alway take a break in ang moh's land u know. The fact is it takes time for a place to embrace new ideas.

Personally, I find traditions has its virtues. It has kept us together for thousands of years. It symbolises honour and trust. Which today modern world is definitely lacking of....being overly materialistic and selfish.

I don't condemn interracial marriage at all. In fact, one of my maternal family relative is married to Malay Muslim, my immediate cousin sista is married to ang moh in Australia. But often what provoke me in telling the SPGs off is, dun openly 'praises' ang moh betta or 'dua ki'. Yes, it is first hand experience openly said to me by a lady friend of mine. For watever reason I dunno, maybe her first bf was asian. Coz being brough up in ang moh land, it ain't tat great to being ang moh. Wait till you get personally in touch with the culture itself, it has its pros and cons.

Ironically, since I set foot back in Melbourne. The ang moh gals being more than receptive to me was a real surprise, openly inquisitive abt Eastern cultures such as cuisines, yoga, philosophy and more current Fung Shui :bsmilie: Yes, the world is changing, certainly compared to what it was when I was 13 yrs old residing in Australia.

I dunno what wrong with mama? I do think the world of my mum. She is the pillar of my family. The relentless effort she put in the family will never go unforgotten. If you do some researchs on great men/women, parents do play a big role in their habits/upbringings. I am really sorry to say if you don't appreciate your roots, in this case your parents. What kind of respect you think you can give to a society/country in general.

For watever reason it may seemed, if we stop thinking about how others feel before we do and say. I just think the person is plain selfish or with a hidden agenda.

No one is saying that family is not important
But what a person does should not reflect on his family.
Many of us younger ones have our values shaped not by our parents or family but by the world around us. We love our families but our families are not a mirror reflection of who we are. That is why you see so much family conflict and teen angst.

Tradition is important to me, but I do not think they symbolise 'honour and trust', and I am open to analysing our traditions and culture. In certain parts of India, they burn the women for certain actions they commit. People say it's tradition and culture.
No one is knocking down your door telling you to embrace Sarong Party Girl's actions. it is the media which is knocking down her door to find out more about her,and then telling the rest of singapore knowing that people will disapprove.

I think there is alot of dirty laundry in the private folders of everyone. Ask yourself what fetishes you have. Have you ever felt a tinge of attraction to a man? Have you ever been tempted to sodomize your wife? Have you ever been sexually aroused by a 15 year old girl? Have you ever felt the urge to cheat on your wife? Have you ever visited a prostitute? Have you ever filmed yourself and your wife having sex? Have you ever called a chatline hoping to find some young girl and hopefully hookup?
Society and tradition tell you all these things are "unacceptable"
We can choose to pretend they don't exist or we can be honest about them.
Like prostitution, we say that prostitution is illegal and reprehensible and then you have a thriving prostitution scene in singapore.
I find it very hard to accept the "asian values" explanation because I have seen more than enough people do things that run contrary to "asian values" such as cheat on their wives.

Here's a question: when is a new idea acceptable and when are people mature enough to take on a new idea? When the government says so?
Who decides? Jeans have become shorter and tighter over the years. I guess it takes a blatant disregard for the tongue-clicking and disapproval of other people's opinions to be able to make something acceptable
Perhaps if we have more girls posting up nude pictures of themselves then soon enough it'll become acceptable enough

should one keep mouth shut when he come across a shop selling prono mag to minors? shop selling cig to minors? should not inform the press to highlight these issue because in doing so, they indirectly tells the minors who have yet to learn about the issue but will now know where they can get those stuff?

for the case i posted about mass org, would the family agree that its her freedom of expression just because its with the locals? dont think so, at least of me is no no, regardless with who.

think, you friends comes to you telling how sexy your mother, wife, daughter looks, how niece her privates looks. thats is resposibility.

benign>i'm not saying you shouldn't go with what your mama is saying. my point is: try to understand why your mama told you to do or to avoid doing certain things. not just following blindly.

denniskee>i support the freedom of expression. however, one must learn to accept the consequences of his/her doings. about the sars issue, people are trying to protect their loved ones from exposing themselves to great danger. it's normal. do you really think that the girl who went on and have sex with that many men consulted her parents before she went ahead with her idea? do you think that spg's parents knew about her nude photographs and her rather sexual blog before the newspapers blow the horn? everyone has their secrets.

edit: hey, spg is not selling porn or anything that turns your lungs to a black lump. if minors come to know about her website, that's because the newspapers blew the whole thing out of proportion. they've even caused problems to other blogger(xiaxue) by posting xiaxue's photograph by mistake, and labelled it as spg's photo.

how would you know such things never affected me or my family? i don't need to give you a lengthy example unrelated to our topic, but please be informed that you are wrong.

i've mentioned before that one's responsible of his/her own actions. i'm only against the idea that people seem to aim to show the world that this particular girl has no shame, pathetic, and her parents didn't educate her. or maybe her whole family is a bad example to the public.

shinken>"Ultimately, let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone. I abhor her attitude towards locals, and her brazen sexuality and suggested promiscuity. But she has never imposed herself on my life, or affected my life in any negative way. The same cannot be said for the society's impact on hers." <-- well said.

1) It was a nude portrait, not porno.
2) It was not on sale
3) The ISP is responsible for its content. Following your analogy, if it is "wrong", then the ISP is in the wrong.
4) Photos Mass orgy probably would be considered porno. Most ISP would disallow, and the those who allow will come with warnings against minors.

Try not to over-generalise and make very far-fetched analogies, which are hardly applicable in this case.

Like I said, I agree that she did implicate her family. But is it your immediate concern? Would you tell the whole neighourhood how your neighbour has a shameless daughter? You just did that online btw. She shamed her family, but you helped to add on to the shame. What about yoUR responsibility to the larger society then? Be destructive instead of constructive?

denniskee said:
should one keep mouth shut when he come across a shop selling prono mag to minors? shop selling cig to minors? should not inform the press to highlight these issue because in doing so, they indirectly tells the minors who have yet to learn about the issue but will now know where they can get those stuff?

for the case i posted about mass org, would the family agree that its her freedom of expression just because its with the locals? dont think so, at least of me is no no, regardless with who.

think, you friends comes to you telling how sexy your mother, wife, daughter looks, how niece her privates looks. thats is resposibility.

denniskee, the thing is, why should we drag the family into our reactions?
When I dropped out of school to go to the army my parents' friends had to make all sorts of snide comments, which hurt my parents.
A number of my friends who are overseas scholars recently broke their bonds because they realised they had been in a certain course of study mainly to conform to the wishes of their family, and that wasn't important enough in the end compared to the need for their own future happiness in life.
I don't think Asian filial piety and love for the family unit has to work in such a way that it destroys a person's individuality.
A lot of us have our own strong sense of individuality that will at many times go counter against the wishes of the family. Have you ever wanted to do something that you really really wanted to do but you knew would cause people related to your parents to click their tongues and say "your parents never teach you ar?"

I think there is alot of dirty laundry in the private folders of everyone. Ask yourself what fetishes you have. Have you ever felt a tinge of attraction to a man? Have you ever been tempted to sodomize your wife? Have you ever been sexually aroused by a 15 year old girl? Have you ever felt the urge to cheat on your wife? Have you ever visited a prostitute? Have you ever filmed yourself and your wife having sex? Have you ever called a chatline hoping to find some young girl and hopefully hookup?

Have you? :eek:

Now I got a question for you and Yin, are you two related? or same person, coz I find both your thoughts or conincidence on two replies rather similar:

By Yin,

whatever our race is, i think everyone's the same. to me, if a chinese girl prefers indian men for example, she's no different than a girl who prefers men with specific facial features, or a girl who prefers men with certain style...

By Mattlock,

ntermarriage between races is no longer a big deal. If I like indian women even though I am chinese, that shouldn't be something that causes great outrage. Each person has his own reasons for his likes or dislikes. Some people like chicken rice, some hate it. It's no big deal.

It is just my hard feeling!

benign>i have never done any of that. and i don't have any interest in it... sorry :eek: i know people with fetishes tho. they're wonderful people and what's going on in their bedroom is none of my business :)

and to satisfy your curiosity, please request for an IP check by the mod :) we're not the same person. i'm aware that i'm not unique when it comes to my way of thinking.

so knowing that the net is a public domain, friends and relatives may come across the site, news may blow the horn, but its still responsible for one to do or post such stuff to the net?

how about a lady one day finds out the father, brother, HUSBAND or SON is a gay and his prono is on the net?

this will be the last of my post here, like i mantioned, dont pass light remark just because it did not happen to you.

but than its freedom of speech here, everybody has their right to say their believe is correct. but read my post carefully, i dont say how is right or wrong, who am i judge.

benign>i have never done any of that. and i don't have any interest in it... sorry i know people with fetishes tho. they're wonderful people and what's going on in their bedroom is none of my business

Yin, I dunno wat to say. That question was addressed to Mattlock. It came from his previous posting...... :( Now you ended up answering it.

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