Recommend lens upgrade from 18-55mm

point to take note, the tamron 18-270 is f6.3 on the long end. which means focusing in low-light may be a chore as most AF systems are good up to f5.6 only.

but having said so, the 18-270 that i used before does perform well, good enough for most users.

Thanks guys for the input! I've narrowed it down to canon 18-135 and tamron 18-270 PZD.

A couple of questions though:

Is IQ of 18-135 better? How often do you'll use 135-270mm?

What's the difference between a grey and a local set?

And what circular polarizer would u recommend?

Thanks guys for the input! I've narrowed it down to canon 18-135 and tamron 18-270 PZD.

A couple of questions though:

Is IQ of 18-135 better? How often do you'll use 135-270mm?

What's the difference between a grey and a local set?

And what circular polarizer would u recommend?

let a newbie like mi ans you.. if wrong pls dont scold mi...

13-270 range, this really depand on what you wan to shoot.. for mi i like abit longer cos i like to take pic for afar..
IQ wise.. i have use 18-135 not too bad.. not too sure abt 18-270..
what cpl i would recomand.. buy if only you need them...
i got my cpl.. til now i only use 1.. (and a branded cpl is not cheap)..

Thanks guys for the input! I've narrowed it down to canon 18-135 and tamron 18-270 PZD.

A couple of questions though:

Is IQ of 18-135 better? How often do you'll use 135-270mm?

What's the difference between a grey and a local set?

And what circular polarizer would u recommend?

having own the 18-135 before, i would say the IQ is mediocre, passable but not fantastic.

like most superzoom(18-200, 18-270), there will be some bit of compromise between IQ and convenience.

the long end of the telezoom is good for portraits, especially when you want a diffused background.

local set = with warranty
grey set = no warranty

do you know what the CPL is for? why do you need it?

having own the 18-135 before, i would say the IQ is mediocre, passable but not fantastic.

like most superzoom(18-200, 18-270), there will be some bit of compromise between IQ and convenience.

the long end of the telezoom is good for portraits, especially when you want a diffused background.

so if i want a balance of IQ and versatility, will 18-135 be my best bet?

do you know what the CPL is for? why do you need it?

for adjusting the contrast during bright sunlight without having to tweak the aperture etc manually? and it reduces glass reflections as well. but if i'm taking pictures indoors, will using the CPL remove glass reflections?

so if i want a balance of IQ and versatility, will 18-135 be my best bet?

for adjusting the contrast during bright sunlight without having to tweak the aperture etc manually? and it reduces glass reflections as well. but if i'm taking pictures indoors, will using the CPL remove glass reflections?

i will still go for the 18-270 because the 18-135 left me with little to be desired and the tamron's vibration compensation is absolutely stunning.

like others have said, since you wanna get a superzoom, might as well go all out, 18-270 that is.

CPL can saturate the sky a bit but i won't sweat over such minimal impact on the photos due to the fact that the same thing can be done during post processing.

glass reflections, yes you definitely need the CPL. but does it really bothers you so much that it warrants you the need to get the filter? if you are positive about it, then go get it, else i say you save it for a ND filter which will definitely come in handy, should you wanna hit the landscape photography arena.

that said, i do not recommend you to get the specialised filters now. go out and shoot more photos, understand your style of making photos before you acquire more equipments to aid you in the later days.

for adjusting the contrast during bright sunlight without having to tweak the aperture etc manually? and it reduces glass reflections as well. but if i'm taking pictures indoors, will using the CPL remove glass reflections?

I'll rather depend on my GND/NDs for adjusting the contrast during the bright sunlight.

btw, I will still pick the 18-2xx series over 18-135. If the IQ is going to be about the same, I'll will take one that gives me more reach than to "wish to have more" when you really need the longer end

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i will still go for the 18-270 because the 18-135 left me with little to be desired and the tamron's vibration compensation is absolutely stunning.

like others have said, since you wanna get a superzoom, might as well go all out, 18-270 that is.

have u tried the 18-270 personally before? from reviews, it seemed that 18-270 performs best at f/8. i'm afraid the IQ will be affected when indoors or in low lightconditions. And somehow, the sample shots of 18-135 looks sharper than 18-270.. which is why.. i'm leaning towards the 18-135 for now.

and thanks for the advice. i'll skip the CPL. shall get a UV filter instead.

have u tried the 18-270 personally before? from reviews, it seemed that 18-270 performs best at f/8. i'm afraid the IQ will be affected when indoors or in low lightconditions. And somehow, the sample shots of 18-135 looks sharper than 18-270.. which is why.. i'm leaning towards the 18-135 for now.

and thanks for the advice. i'll skip the CPL. shall get a UV filter instead.

yes, i have used the 18-270 before. if you are concerned with low-light condition, you shouldn't be even considering these lenses at all.

day time i will normally use kit.

night time i will just change to either 35 or 50mm prime.

simple and easy~~

money friendly too haha

Personally I m using tamron 18-270 PZd now. To me tis lens works very well.. Maybe my expectation isn't high.. I m very happy with tis lens. Anyway it juz my point of view.. Final choice is still up to u bro.

Efs 18-55 is a very sharp lens with very good image quality and color tone.
I advise u stick to canon lens, not third party ..
Depend on your budget, below are good choices.
Efs 15-85 or efs 17-55 f2.8 or ef 16-35 f2.8

I recommend Tamron 18 - 270 VC PZD if you prefer all-in-one zoom.

TS should try your kit lens first and see what is actually lacking from it, lets say you want to take objects from distance and you realize your kit lens is limiting you from doing that, then you might want to look at lens with longer focal length like the Tamron 18-270mm, like what others have said, at the longest end, the aperture is not as big as when it is at it's shortest length. So during night time might be a problem to get good images. So you must see what you really need in the long run. Haha good luck.

I'm a Tamron 18-270mm pzd user also, and I love that lens, tho at 270, it will be at f6.3, but its a light travel lens. I went to hongkong recently with this lens and a UWA thats all.

chunkie said:
I have been using a canon 500d with the standard 18-55mm for quite some time and intend to upgrade the lens as the zoom range is too limiting. Will generally be using it on travels to shoot architecture and landscapes scenery.

I'm looking to get a versatile and lightweight zoom lens, preferably less than 500g. Budget under 1k or thereabout. It'll be a bonus if it's f/2.8 with a focal length below 18mm.

Which lens will suit my requirement? What focal length and aperture would u recommend? Is Canon or third party better?

Many thanks in advance!

Like what you said. You want to buy a lens with a longer zoom than your 18-55mm? My advice is you go buy a 18-135mm( brand new is from $500-$600), or 15-85mm( brand new is about $1,000-$1,200).

You said you want to use it mainly for landscape and architecture? A focal lenght of 15-85mm will be just right for you. You have wide angle and zoom combined in 1 lens. Plus it is IS and USM. If you find that $1000-$1,200 is too much then 18-135mm is just right. Im using a 18-135mm too and its not too heavy on my camera and not too heavy on my budget.

A focal range of up to 270mm is not really very usable at many places. Besides your dream of having a f2.8 on 18-200mm or 18-250mm or 18-270mm will not be possible if you use a at maximum zoom.

Im a newbie and pls correct me if im wrong guys : )