Random IR rant

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It's weird, where's Rashkae.

Today I went to Kranji War Memorial, then when I did the custom WB because I lost the old one. HEY, the correct kind of pictures came out. No more pinkish tones!

Anyways, I've asked here and there but I really need an answer now. Because all my pictures are getting very weird. There's some sort of stuff on my IR filter, on the side nearer the lens when you screw on.. It isn't on the surface. Because I've been working on it with my cloth and lenspen and in the light there's nothing on the surface. But when I turn it here and there I see funny spots like dried water stains. But there's nothing on the surface (I know, I've said it a few times already)!

Anyone knows what it is? ;( I mean, there's no other reason why my shots are getting so grainy and having funny splotches here and there right, so it should be that?

have you tried cleaning your IR filter with a soft tissue or lens cloth?

anyway it's quite easy to stain the filter, mine always get finger prints here and there, but don't really affect the pictures. maybe you can try see if you can shoot those spots at a visible angle and post to show how they look?

Cannot, I have no macro things. And you can only see it at very funny angles when you look in the light. And we all know how reflective Hoya R72 is.. =(

Yes, I have.. Like I said, not on the surface, looks like it's happening underneath which is damn weird. Someone mentioned it might be the thing inside degrading, but then, what the heck is R72 made of anyways? =(

Why don't you send to your camera service centre. IR gang here are not exactly technical experts when comes to camera repairs.

...It's only my Hoya R72 filter that's problematic, Max.. =( Was wondering if anyone here encounter such problems before.

My H2 is definitely ok. Still sharp. But my IR photos are not sharp now. =(

In fact, I'm more than happy with my camera, since it seems to be able to do the correct IR WB now. Maybe I should go and ask CP.. Sian, skally need to buy new R72. $ pain.

...It's only my Hoya R72 filter that's problematic, Max.. =( Was wondering if anyone here encounter such problems before.

My H2 is definitely ok. Still sharp. But my IR photos are not sharp now. =(

In fact, I'm more than happy with my camera, since it seems to be able to do the correct IR WB now. Maybe I should go and ask CP.. Sian, skally need to buy new R72. $ pain.

I've tried the old Minolta 7D and Sony A100. I must say, they don't do IR well. Its the way its built, seems that there's nothing you can do about it.

I remember 7D have a whitish patch at all the 4 corners of the images shot. And focus is out too.

Didn't have that problem in the past leh; sunlight aside, all these pictures were taken on sunny days, first two are older ones, last one is today's:


Taken when new.


Taken when some spots started appearing.


Now spots are almost everywhere. And if you look at it, at some parts the colour is very different! Left side there's this funny strip?

How come now so grainy?!

This look like a sensor problem or a setting problem.

When I was using external IR filters and get oil/stubborn finger print stains on them I use a very light dish washing liquid to get rid of them.

Don't know if you want to try or if it works for you.
Dilute a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid with water. Use a soft cloth, the ones the optical shops supply is good enough. Put the cloth over your finger, dip it into the dilute solution and clean the filter in a circular manner. Starting from the center and work outwards to the rim.
Rinse the cloth, squeeze dry and work the same manner over the filter a few times until clean of the solution. Then go over again with your lens cleaning cloth.

There's no coating on the R72 so there's no fear of any coating being removed during the cleaning process.

Hey teerex, just did what you suggested, marks still there.

But I -did- take a look at what Max said, might be setting problem. Don't know what you mean by sensor problem, but my normal colour photos are coming out just fine, so hrm. For some reason when I use "Vivid" (like I did in the past) instead of "Normal" there is less specks, looks more like the previous photos I took. Wonder why.

Also I realise when I do the channel mixer thing with some of my older photos the specks also there. Hrm. :dunno: Maybe I should stick to my old PP. =/

hmmm..i used to get funny marks on my filter last time. Used normal soap & tried to 'erase' the marks, it works! Then use lens cloth to wipe thoroughly, use some pressure. If still got marks, repeat the cleaning process.

Dunno why quite hard to clean this filter..

I'm here! I'm here! Someone's looking for me? ;)

Hey man, have you tried re-setting the CWB?

I'm here! I'm here! Someone's looking for me? ;)

Hey man, have you tried re-setting the CWB?

Why would I want to do it? I named this thread a rant because I was happy and irritated at the same time. Hahaha.

It's now perfect CWB, I think. =) Happy! ;)

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