Question about using Lens

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I read from somewhere, that using TC lens will reduce the light coming in as the F stops are lowered(Me newbie so the words I use might not be correct).
Is that true? And is it only for TC lens or does all lens lower F stops?

Originally posted by Galaa
I read from somewhere, that using TC lens will reduce the light coming in as the F stops are lowered(Me newbie so the words I use might not be correct).
Is that true? And is it only for TC lens or does all lens lower F stops?

The TC meant for SLR cameras will reduce 1 or 2 stops depending on its power (1.4x will reduce 1 stop, 2x will reduce by 2).

A properly made TC meant for digital cameras (those which attach in front of the lens) will not have any light reduction. At least the Nikon TC-E2 doesn't. :p In any case, you should not need to worry. Your camera will automatically take care of the exposure, no additional settings are required.

Same applies for wide convertors.


Yes, It is generally true.

Be it a TC, Marco or any lens, there will be some drop in the F-stop and that by how much will depend on the lens itself.

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