Question about Sensor/Liveview cleaning for 550D

And next time don't be so itchy-fingered and touch the stuff in that area. You might scratch the mirror or even the sensor!
It's unlikely that the sensor will get damaged unless the mirror was locked up in order to access the sensor directly.


This might be helpful.

I dun think the focusing screen can be change for 550D, only 60D and the professional series are allowed to. Even the 7D can't.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

All Canon DSLR can change focus screen even 7D.

DSLR nowaday are design in modulars system, so any parts of the DSLR that was damaged or spoilt can be changed easily (including the focus screen). You can either DIY or send it to CSC (call the CSC up for the most accurate quote and timing).

Actually the film on the sensor is really not that filmsy and will not get scratch that easily by just touching on it. I have tried to clean the sensor up using sensor swap and some chemical (bought from Cathay Photo last year) and it really clean my 40D sensor.

The only thing that I can imagine by not touching the sensor was to prevent fingerprint mark on the sensor.

as long the dust is not on the sensor, don't bother too much about it. it won't show up on the images.

the sliver coating on the reflex mirror is at the front, easily scratched if you touch it with anything.

the matte surface of the focusing screen is facing downward (facing the mirror), it is also very easily scratched if you use anything to clean it.

so just blow it with blower, if the dust still there, leave it, don't risk your camera for damaging the reflex mirror and focusing screen.

I got the same problem too. As I was checking my camera for an overseas trip, i realized that there is a black speck on the right of my picture. But it is only visible with photos taken at f20 and above. I blowed the surface of my lens and and mirror but it still there.

I suppose it is dust on my sensor?

Hey guys, I found out that my 550D has a dust spot on the right side of the images. So I need to send it to canon for cleaning ASAP. At the same time i also need them to clean my liveview as it's quite dirty. May i know the charges and how long will it take to get my cam back. Thanks everyone!

Canon Service just got back to me...the cost of just cleaning the sensor is approx $21.40.
Hope this helps. =)

Canon Service just got back to me...the cost of just cleaning the sensor is approx $21.40.
Hope this helps. =)

Did you try to mirror lock, then blow the sensor? Maybe you can get the dust off by just blowing at the sensor and it will save you $21.40.

Did you try to mirror lock, then blow the sensor? Maybe you can get the dust off by just blowing at the sensor and it will save you $21.40.

Eh..sorry, it maybe a noob question, but how do you do the mirror lock? :)

Oh I found out about it in my manual.
Maybe I go try it later. Thanks rhino123!

If its just a small speck and only visible at f20, I think you should just leave it alone.. blowing at the sensor might cause more dust to get stuck on your sensor.. remember that the air you are blowing at the sensor is not dust free as well..