question about lens

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New Member
Mar 23, 2009
hi guys,

got a question to clarify,

for eg, that i have a lens of maybe 18-200mm and f-3.5 to 5.6

if i set the camera at A priority mode and set to shoot at F22 and shutter speed of 1/500sec

will the lens able to perform at f22? or will the max f value stop at 5.6?

thanks in advance :D

If you set the mode to A priority, and set the aperture to F22, the camera will decide the shutter speed based on the lighting condition of the subject, not you. If you want to control the aperture and shutter speed at the same time, you have to use M mode, and read the light meter to make sure you get the proper exposure.

Hope this helps. Happy shooting.

If you are shooting in A mode and set it to f22, the cam will take the shot at f22 but the shutter speed will be determined by the cam automatically depending on the lighting condition. But at f22 you will most propably get defraction.

so the camera will shoot at f22 and the auto shutter speed right? but what about the f5.6 of the lens what does that stands for?

so the camera will shoot at f22 and the auto shutter speed right? but what about the f5.6 of the lens what does that stands for?

Perhaps you may want to do a serach and read up on shutter speed, aperture, ISO and their relation first.

so the camera will shoot at f22 and the auto shutter speed right? but what about the f5.6 of the lens what does that stands for?

It means that's the largest aperture that the lens can open up to at that focal length. You can still always stop down to f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22 and so on.

f3.5-5.6 represents the largest apertures (smallest f-numbers) that the lens can achieve through out the zoom range of 18-200mm. ie. at 18mm, you can set the aperture down to f3.5, but at 200mm you can only get down to f5.6. At some intermediate focal length of say 100mm, you maybe be able to get down to f4. Best way to see this is to zoom out to 18mm, set to A mode, set aperture to f3.5, and start zooming in slowly, and you'll see the aperture setting change as you pass certain focal lengths. (Not sure if this works the same way on all bodies though)

thanks gengh and calebk for the reply i fully understand it already.. it all make sense now... at first i thought that the lens would only allow the cam to set smallest aperture (largest f-stop) at f5.6 then it would be omg... lol

means that if i wanna shoot at f2.8 i would need another lens.... thank you all for the replies

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