Question about deleted step in Actions - Photoshop CS2

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Senior Member
Calling all Photoshop CS2 experts,
I was playing around with Actions and accidentally deleted one of the steps in the Action that I had created. Can you experts help me how I can recreate that step and insert it into the Action ? Thanks so much, in advance.

Dont think there's a way to retrieve it. Unless you backed up ur action before deletion.

expand the action until you see the indivdual actions, click the step where you want to insert the action, click the record button and add in whatever action you deleted then click stop.

expand the action until you see the indivdual actions, click the step where you want to insert the action, click the record button and add in whatever action you deleted then click stop.

Thanks. Will try that out tonight.

Ah you wanted to insert a step - I thought you wanted to undelete that step.

In which case kgston's directions is a confirmed winner.

BTW, just like to ask about actions, after I save the action, which folder can I find in Photoshop so I can back it up? :sweat:

If I'm not wrong, they are not in any folder (although there's an actions/plugins folder). That actions in that folder does not update itself when you add new actions.

You can export/back up your actions by using the "Save Action" menu item inside the Actions box itself - click on the triangle arrow thing.

If I'm not wrong, they are not in any folder (although there's an actions/plugins folder). That actions in that folder does not update itself when you add new actions.

You can export/back up your actions by using the "Save Action" menu item inside the Actions box itself - click on the triangle arrow thing.

Rmb to click the action set first or else the save action button will be unavaliable, the first time i tried to save my action, it got me stuck there for like an hr b4 i figured it out... haha

Thanks. Will try that out tonight.
Sorry guys, got back home very late last night. Will try today and let you know.

Vince, you are the PRO on Actions :thumbsup: :D

Thanks to kgston and vince for their replies.

I was able to re-create the missing step in the Actions.

Thanks a lot, guys. You are good !!! :thumbsup:

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