Pulau Perhentian

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New Member
have a wonderful 'burning' experience (my back all burn...hahaha)




4. this is how the hotel get their food supply..


Rated top 10 as one of the most beautiful island in Asia.

Have been there a couple of times.........it's one heck of a place to be at. Did you use a polarizer or a ND filter?

Rated top 10 as one of the most beautiful island in Asia.

Have been there a couple of times.........it's one heck of a place to be at. Did you use a polarizer or a ND filter?

really? may you share the source? interested to know what are those islands..thanks =)

it seems like the pics are taken under harsh light..not the best moment of whole day =)

Very nice pictures of the island. Make me wanna have a dip in the sea and not forgetting taking lots of pictures.
Personally, I like #3 and #5.
#1 is nice but there is too much tree on the right side of the pic. Kind of making it redundant.
Nitpick a bit on pic #3. The tree on the top-left corner of pic #3 is a bit of distraction.
The best is #5.
Just personal liking.
Any more pictures?

Godzilla Invades: yea, using CPL :) did swim with the turtle there.. :bsmilie:

LENS: yea.. tok it around 11am.

thanks everyone for the viewing and comments :) actually taking not much pics, will try to find more pics to post. :sweat:

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