Prime Lens (canon)

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is it adviceable to switch onli to prime or zoom n prime together
30mm 1.4 sigma izzit gd coz i nv use sigma lens before so i like hear more bout tis lens

Depends on your shooting style. What do you shoot and why do you want to shoot only primes?

I didn't recommend zooms cos u said u wanted primes only. I've tried 28 f/1.8 before and it's pretty soft wide open. Even at f/2.8 it's only acceptable. I wouldn't recommend that.

You might have tried a lemon. I tried a 28 f/1.8 on a 5DII body and was blown away by the resolving power, even wide open. Wide angle meets shallow DOF - it's just surreal.

ya as i say i wan prime becoz i shoot mostly concert/event in low lighting so wat attracts mi is the aperature of prime lens
so i dont mind movin about to capture the shot
now i plannin to get the 85f1.8 first after tat i will get more opinion frm u guys i likely to have 3 prime lens onli so (1)85f1.8 (2)50f1.4 (3)opinions :)
thx every1 for the advice and feedback i reali appreciate ur help
thx a million times

Maybe you try renting such a lens at first. Sure, it's helpful to get comments here but nothing beats your own experience. The small amount spend for rental is worth it. Maybe your conclusion will be completely different afterwards?

You might have tried a lemon. I tried a 28 f/1.8 on a 5DII body and was blown away by the resolving power, even wide open. Wide angle meets shallow DOF - it's just surreal.

It might be a lemon but tried other copies also similar.

ya as i say i wan prime becoz i shoot mostly concert/event in low lighting so wat attracts mi is the aperature of prime lens
so i dont mind movin about to capture the shot
now i plannin to get the 85f1.8 first after tat i will get more opinion frm u guys i likely to have 3 prime lens onli so (1)85f1.8 (2)50f1.4 (3)opinions :)
thx every1 for the advice and feedback i reali appreciate ur help
thx a million times

the 3rd logical choice would be a wide prime. 35/2 from the looks from it, since you're looking at the budget end of things.

the Canon 35/2 is sharp, wayyyy sharper then even some top end zoom Ls

the 3rd logical choice would be a wide prime. 35/2 from the looks from it, since you're looking at the budget end of things.

the Canon 35/2 is sharp, wayyyy sharper then even some top end zoom Ls

I'd have to agree here. For its price point (and if the focal length works for the TS), it's really the choice that's second to none.

thx every1 i guess my 3rd choice is clear 35f2
thx every1

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