Price Reduction for Nex 5 & 3

Err..... that's the U.S. store, so prices are in USD

I was happy for awhile, but on a closer look, the prices are in US$ because it's a US site

I NEX 3 is spoilt so I am looking for a replacement

Oops! I sotong :embrass:. Makes me happy for awhile too.

Hi Photoart, how did you spoil your NEX 3? Just curious as I thought it's pretty rugged and should take some "reasonable" abuse.

Of course. The newer model lauch soonest NEX 7 & NEX C3 with few lenses together. If i'm not wrong should be 3 lenses.

Hi Photoart, how did you spoil your NEX 3? Just curious as I thought it's pretty rugged and should take some "reasonable" abuse.

haha. I was carrying my baby girl, so I just chuck it into my bag, then my bb girl can't finish her milk and I have no other bag so I chuck the bottle into my bag too. There was a leak from the bottle and it wet the camera