Price of 85mm 1.2 in Singapore Too Expensive?


Dec 6, 2008
I've asked my usual shop in Singapore for the price of a new 85mm f1.2 and I was offered $3550 for the lens.

Perhaps this isn't the cheapest in Singapore for sure.

However, as I'm currently in Tokyo on holiday, I could not resist the urge to splurge on the 85 1.2 which is on sale at Yodobashi Camera for around $2450.

Sure there is no international warranty, which means that if there is anything wrong with the lens within the first 15 months, I don't get free repair.

However, IMO, the price of a piece of card valid for 15 months is not worth an additional $1000.00 on the lens.

So why then is the 85mm so heavily priced in Singapore? I've checked out BnH Photo as well and they are selling at a similar price to what Yodobashi is selling for.

Anybody within the camera shop industry in Singapore have an inside track on the rather absurd difference in pricing?

And on a similar note, why are most of the other lenses in Singapore $200.00 - $300.00 cheaper than they are in Japan (in regards to Yodobashi Camera which apparently isn't even the cheapest place to get lenses in Japan)?

Is there a luxury tax on the 85 1.2 then? :bsmilie:

I believe most of the things sold in singapore is more expensive then other country by 10 -30 percent or even more. Even though our SGD dollar have been increasing... but the thing just dun go down. Maybe our operating cost is just too high.

I believe most of the things sold in singapore is more expensive then other country by 10 -30 percent or even more. Even though our SGD dollar have been increasing... but the thing just dun go down. Maybe our operating cost is just too high.

High operating cost....

Thanks to high utilities, high transportation, high fuel cost.. . Etc....

Halfmoon said:
High operating cost....

Thanks to high utilities, high transportation, high fuel cost.. . Etc....

Add to that a small market compared to places like China, India & even Indonesia.

I've asked my usual shop in Singapore for the price of a new 85mm f1.2 and I was offered $3550 for the lens.

Perhaps this isn't the cheapest in Singapore for sure.

However, as I'm currently in Tokyo on holiday, I could not resist the urge to splurge on the 85 1.2 which is on sale at Yodobashi Camera for around $2450.

Sure there is no international warranty, which means that if there is anything wrong with the lens within the first 15 months, I don't get free repair.

However, IMO, the price of a piece of card valid for 15 months is not worth an additional $1000.00 on the lens.

So why then is the 85mm so heavily priced in Singapore? I've checked out BnH Photo as well and they are selling at a similar price to what Yodobashi is selling for.

Anybody within the camera shop industry in Singapore have an inside track on the rather absurd difference in pricing?

And on a similar note, why are most of the other lenses in Singapore $200.00 - $300.00 cheaper than they are in Japan (in regards to Yodobashi Camera which apparently isn't even the cheapest place to get lenses in Japan)?

Is there a luxury tax on the 85 1.2 then? :bsmilie:

technogadgets around that price.

I believe most of the things sold in singapore is more expensive then other country by 10 -30 percent or even more. Even though our SGD dollar have been increasing... but the thing just dun go down. Maybe our operating cost is just too high.

Not true.

In no other country that I have gone are technological goods cheaper than Singapore (Japan, whole of Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, HK International Airport). Our strong dollar and high earning capacity makes it such that the only countries where you can get technological goods cheaper is in the USA (weak economy, looks cheap to us, but online the ang moh bitch like crazy cos they have no money), China (but can the average local afford or is it just cheap in our eyes) and in HK itself (bargain until mouth dry).

I have yet to go to a country where I have seen a sign or an open mouth offer on a Canon lens cheaper than what I can get in Singapore. They are always at least $200 - $300 more expensive.

It's just in relation to this 85 1.2. This one single lens that bucks all the trends and is GROSSLY overpriced by $1k.

It may not even be Canon Singapore as well because Canon Singapore sets the MSRP but our retailers don't get their lenses from Canon Singapore, they come from Japan! All Canon Singapore does is give the local warranty. So why are the shops not reflecting the average global price?

Or perhaps I got really lucky and got it on a super christmas sale discount for said price? Then how would it explain Digital Rev and BnH Photo selling the 85 1.2 at the $2.5 - $2.6 mark all year round?

I m very sure Malaysia Penang is cheaper than Singapore on Canon lens and camera. Similarly in Jakarta is also cheaper than Singapore. In Hong Kong, generally their electronic goods are cheaper than Singapore also.

Even after you factor in gst, the savings from buying overseas is still quite big. Personally I hardly buy from local shops unless I need the lens urgently. Even then, I will search on the local classified first. In other words, buying from local shop is the last resort.

Even after you factor in gst, the savings from buying overseas is still quite big. Personally I hardly buy from local shops unless I need the lens urgently. Even then, I will search on the local classified first. In other words, buying from local shop is the last resort.

Same here.

Check out the Canon prices in Australia and Zealand as well as Europe, then you will know that Singapore is not the most expensive place to buy.

North Asia as well as other our neighbour countries are cheaper than Singapore.

Why is that so? You may ask. It is generally due to super high cost of doing business in Singapore. For example, how much is a technician earning in Singapore compared to one in Malaysia and Indon? It's heaven and earth. Staff cost is the highest component cost in most companies in Singapore.

Check out the Canon prices in Australia and Zealand as well as Europe, then you will know that Singapore is not the most expensive place to buy.

North Asia as well as other our neighbour countries are cheaper than Singapore.

Why is that so? You may ask. It is generally due to super high cost of doing business in Singapore. For example, how much is a technician earning in Singapore compared to one in Malaysia and Indon? It's heaven and earth. Staff cost is the highest component cost in most companies in Singapore.

Rental too...most of the camera shops are in shopping Mall...

i think recently there is an article mentioning about some retail product in singapore is much expensive as compare to other countries. But one thing for sure... buying local give u assuance that if anything happen to your purchase, you got your chance to get it replace/refund/complaint CASE.

3 reasons I can think of to buy locally:

1) backed up by local warranty for a limited period,
2) You are protected by lemon law,
3) can insure your expensive lens based on local receipt

But it does not explain why the 85/1.2 cost $1k more in Singapore. Maybe it is a specialized lens with fewer demands. Shops usually have to hold on to stocks for months before it moves off the shelf.

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neubdetat said:
I've asked my usual shop in Singapore for the price of a new 85mm f1.2 and I was offered $3550 for the lens.

Perhaps this isn't the cheapest in Singapore for sure.

However, as I'm currently in Tokyo on holiday, I could not resist the urge to splurge on the 85 1.2 which is on sale at Yodobashi Camera for around $2450.

Sure there is no international warranty, which means that if there is anything wrong with the lens within the first 15 months, I don't get free repair.

However, IMO, the price of a piece of card valid for 15 months is not worth an additional $1000.00 on the lens.

So why then is the 85mm so heavily priced in Singapore? I've checked out BnH Photo as well and they are selling at a similar price to what Yodobashi is selling for.

Anybody within the camera shop industry in Singapore have an inside track on the rather absurd difference in pricing?

And on a similar note, why are most of the other lenses in Singapore $200.00 - $300.00 cheaper than they are in Japan (in regards to Yodobashi Camera which apparently isn't even the cheapest place to get lenses in Japan)?

Is there a luxury tax on the 85 1.2 then? :bsmilie:

Ok I only can think of 1 solid reason why the difference is so much. The country where the lens is built. Not all of Canon's lens come from the land of the sun. Some come from our neighbors country or even our neighbors neighbors. And I believe some come from a country where recently the ppl go deported for having an illegal strike. (sorry I felt creative today)

If you think of it this way coupled with the shipping cost, our local taxes, and importantly the currency exchange rate it's no wonder some of the lens we get cheaper some we don't. Just my crazy mind churning out a 2 cents worth of reasoning

Ok I only can think of 1 solid reason why the difference is so much. The country where the lens is built. Not all of Canon's lens come from the land of the sun. Some come from our neighbors country or even our neighbors neighbors. And I believe some come from a country where recently the ppl go deported for having an illegal strike. (sorry I felt creative today)

If you think of it this way coupled with the shipping cost, our local taxes, and importantly the currency exchange rate it's no wonder some of the lens we get cheaper some we don't. Just my crazy mind churning out a 2 cents worth of reasoning

But the thing is, all L lens comes from Japan. And I'm surprised to find out that the 85L is so much cheaper, because the launch price of 5D3 was SGD$1000 more ex than our local shop's RRP :bsmilie:

I shall do a survey of the Tokyo shop prices when I'm in there in about 9 weeks time :bsmilie:

I bought the lens in China. $2340 after converting to S$