Pretty NiNoY

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New Member
Dec 22, 2004
I like her... she is very professional and has many faces ;)



Appreciate your comment :gbounce:

Tech Info
Model : Ninoy / Desti
Location : Bandung/Indonesia
Camera : Canon EOS 300D
Lense : 70-200 F4
Software : Photoshop/HSL/Level/Curve/Sharpen

show more of her body on the last photo. overall :thumbsup:

you capture her nicely....
next time if i happen to be in Bandung, can contact you for a shootout? Heard that Bandung chinese girls are among the prettiest in Indonesia..... because of the kool weather and possibly the fumes from the nearby volcanoe .... the Botanical Garden was also used to be world-famous during Sukarno's time .... rite? Heard Megawati has retired there and possibly is the chief gardener now ..... juz heresay.... :dunno:
been there twice and love that place .... nice weather and peaceful....

thx guys,

no prob, just let me know if you go to jakarta or bandung, we can set up a photo session here ;p

actually, i am staying in jakarta and we went to bandung after Hari Raya, just for photo model session only. on the same day, we went back home to jakarta

if i am not wrong, bandung is a valley, located between 2 mountains and lots of beautiful scenary, cafes, fashion warehouse, etc that we can find there. :)

She has a tendency to tilt her head down. Sometimes as in #2 and #4, the "jaw line" gets fattened! Watch the position carefully!

thx guys for all useful comments :)

tommorow, my friend and I are going to bandung again, to have a photo model session. :vhappy:

Hope I can post some of the pics in this forum, when I go back home

location, clothes and poses all seem to blend in pretty cool

Overall seems to have a lack of catchlights in the eyes....
but the colours are good i would say

here are some suggestions i would make

1 - ask her to tilt the head to the left and look back at u instead....she looks like she's falling
2 - take from a place that is 90 deg from ya current position and shoot in landscape for greater effect
3 - should not crop at her left knee.... its bad for photography....makes ppl look amputated
4 - hehe....i love the tones and the mood in this for me

juz my 2 cts worth....hope u dun mind


Photo #2 nice tilt, was the greenery ps to B&W?

I Love #4, maybe a little less blur in the background would have helped this shot, but the composition is spot on.. congratulations..

(getting back in to the swing of things)

Nice foto but she looks uneasy/uncomfortable to me... just dunno why...

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