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New Member
Aug 15, 2007
sharing a few images taken a few weeks back!!

enjoy guys:)

model: precy
mua: cheche matias
photo: me


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Breathless. Can we have more please?;p:thumbsup:

oily face and smokey look doesn't suit her. on another note the pose is nice.

nice set ... and the photos look good, too! ;p

These are the kind of images that bring naughty thoughts to men's imagination! ;)

very nice! and is impressive!!

if i were that hot.. =0

this one this best esp her lips :thumbsup: about your highlights remark... whatever you say...i know what my eyes see but let's not argue :)

This is stunning! :thumbsup:
i luv Both shots.

nice work, classy stuff.
but for the first shot, the crop of her right wrist is just a little too abrupt for me,
and the lighting sort of created this line on the right of her face from her forehead thru her eyes down her face to the chin, just at the edge of her face makes it... like theres a line drawn down her face.. haha my 2cents;)

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