Pre- Order IR Tee...

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no la. hmm. u wanna collate? if u do we can continue case liao

SurrealDreamWalker said:
yeah i agreed.

Bro Lx3ChuA, please update us

Sorie for the delay.. Meeting a local tee supplier on next Tuesday will update u guys..

Just meet the tee supplier.. Coat per tee is ard 20 to 25 base on 30 piece min order.. For now it's red polo tee.. With nick will be charge extra.. Prices not finalize.. Later will Post the shirt size.. Sorie there no lady cutting. But will have xs xxs...

Stay tune for the update..

Yes once I got the shirt sizes I will open a new thread..")

interested on the shirt too.. I want white color M size.. please let me know if you will start the order.



Yes once I got the shirt sizes I will open a new thread..")

Bro ah chua, i found a lubang / contact for T-shirt. Not sure if you want or not. It has polo & non-polo T-shirts. Have also women cutting. I will PM you the contact.

Thxs for the info bro..Will check and update u guys!

any updates on this?

Another way can do it in JB , cheaper options and can sent back to sg.

jack size = XXL

how to make payment???

Sorie again for the delay.. Will close this thread ... New thread coming soon... Thxs thxs ;)

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