Poll: What makes you HAPPY?

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Sion said:
I mean elections generally.

Seeing democracy at play and participating in it (e.g. voting) make people like me happy. :)

Sigh ... but I DIDN'T GET TO VOTE!!!:angry: (walkover - I have been living in walkover constituencies since I was 21 and eligible to vote! :cry: )

physics and maths makes me happy.

do i get wad i 1 since every1 kno wad makes me happy?

my B. day coming soon... ;p

The things we do like cycling, playing games, doing photography and taking great shots, dating with the opposite sex, playing or listening to music, attending services in places of worship, earning more money, drinking beer, spending time with the computer, travelling, having good sex, sufficient rest, even addictions reflect back to us the way we think, feel and behave.

The things we do is our outer life but unfortunately the outer world is all effects only. Most of us did not realise that all of life’s treasures is actually inside us.

We desire a peaceful cosy home, a happy and joyful family, healthy and smart kids but how can we get all these things if we cannot find peace, joy, health and well-being inside us?

Where can we find all these things?
Fortunately they already exist within us now waiting to be discovered. But man chooses to look to the outside world to satisfy his needs and longings.

When we are able to constantly help, care, share, contribute to the needs of others and forgive those who offended us we don’t have to search for peace and contentment outside of ourselves.


"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."

- Denis Waitley

"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere."

- Agnes Repplier

What 2 things make me happy daily?

1. I sit on the toilet bowl every morning and have a good and easy one .... :bsmilie:

2. After a bathe, ... :heart:

forward said:
The things we do like cycling, playing games, doing photography and taking great shots, dating with the opposite sex, playing or listening to music, attending services in places of worship, earning more money, drinking beer, spending time with the computer, travelling, having good sex, sufficient rest, even addictions reflect back to us the way we think, feel and behave.

The things we do is our outer life but unfortunately the outer world is all effects only. Most of us did not realise that all of life’s treasures is actually inside us.

We desire a peaceful cosy home, a happy and joyful family, healthy and smart kids but how can we get all these things if we cannot find peace, joy, health and well-being inside us?

Where can we find all these things?
Fortunately they already exist within us now waiting to be discovered. But man chooses to look to the outside world to satisfy his needs and longings.

When we are able to constantly help, care, share, contribute to the needs of others and forgive those who offended us we don’t have to search for peace and contentment outside of ourselves.


"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."

- Denis Waitley

"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere."

- Agnes Repplier

Happy Vesak Day...

Ah_Seng said:
Happy Vesak Day...

I suppose there are no rules or time for happiness.
In any traditional celebrations it is always "the" time for sharing
happiness with fellow human beings.

Isn't it that happiness should be shared every minute of the day not
only with others but particularly with those who are always around

The most beautiful images or things that we can experience in
happiness is the mysterious. It is one of the most important
source of all science and art. :)

Peace and Quietness - I think these are more important than happiness.

forward said:
I suppose there are no rules or time for happiness.
In any traditional celebrations it is always "the" time for sharing
happiness with fellow human beings.

Isn't it that happiness should be shared every minute of the day not
only with others but particularly with those who are always around

The most beautiful images or things that we can experience in
happiness is the mysterious. It is one of the most important
source of all science and art. :)

Of course....totally concur with that....:)

Good Wine ..
Good Beer ..
Easy Time to relex .. ...
cycling . with Cam of couse ..
a good Race of Rc with my pals ..
Music ..

Funny .. I dun find taking Pic as Fun ... ( isit me or .... )

ndroo said:
Instant happiness : Just add alcohol

I wonder how many of us are willing and dare to tell the truth like Ndroo and others that beside making pictures with our cameras the other so called happiness hobby is alcohol?

The long term physical addiction to alcohol can be fatal even leading to personality changes toward others. Finally you won't be able to hold the camera steady anymore with your hands. The tripod will still not be the answer because you will be shaking all over even when you are standing and trying to operate the cam.

Photographers with alcohol joy have to decide the best solution
to their problem, develop a plan and take ownership and
responsibility for the dangerous game they are playing. For in the
long term they will have to set up a time frame and accountability
process of their coming bad habits and health. ;)

Being a dog person I am always happy if i can spend sometime among them. Currently I have to reply on other people because my mom dosent want to keep one =p

What makes me happy?

1. when any of my cats cuddle next to me and sleep.
2. when my orchids bloom
3. when I make a perfect landing in Flight Simulator (in preparation of the real deal)
4. when I finally clear ALL my debts
5. when the whole house smells of my wife's lovely brownies
6. when I strike Big Sweep and can finally do the things that I want to do

philliptan said:
What makes me happy?

1. when any of my cats cuddle next to me and sleep.
2. when my orchids bloom
3. when I make a perfect landing in Flight Simulator (in preparation of the real deal)
4. when I finally clear ALL my debts
5. when the whole house smells of my wife's lovely brownies
6. when I strike Big Sweep and can finally do the things that I want to do

Does it mean that you will not be happy if one of them is not fullfilled? :)

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