POLL: What Canon slr/dslr body you using

which EOS body do you own?

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Canon EOS-50E

i bought over somebody's d30 on the cheap..800bucks only :D :bsmilie: ...dunno if anyone else also got their dslr "on the cheap" also? :)

1 x EOS-3 on PB-E2
2 X EOS-5s on VG-10

clive said:
i bought over somebody's d30 on the cheap..800bucks only :D :bsmilie: ...dunno if anyone else also got their dslr "on the cheap" also? :)

wow, a good buy u got there :thumbsup:
think will be on look out as D30 is suitable to be my backup cam.... but now no spare $$$.

Eos 888
Eos 300d

EOS 500N for me. 6 years old but, served my needs well.

EOS 5QD on VG10; excellent reliable workhorse
EOS RT (smooth as silk but dim dim viewfinder and crappy AF)
EOS 300D (feels cheap but excellent 1st Digi SLR for me, pity my old Sigma lenses don't work well with it)

Wish I had a T90 when I had the chance...now too late to get a new lens system.

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