Police raid at Alex Photo & Prima Camera!!

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hmm i read the article,the owner of Prime camera is the lady SHerry lim?
i tot the real owner is now at Aldelphi?

That's why I always get legit and originals from reputable retailers rather than ending up 'Penny wise Pound foolish'.

Canonised said:
If you have bought a Canon battery recently in Singapore, or especially from Alex Photo and Prima Camera in Peninsula Plaza, too bad, it may be a good fake! Fake battery may blow up while in use and imagine how it will damage your face and eyes. Bring to CSC to confirm yr battery.

Omg i pass by Alex photo so often

Sion said:
3rd party batteries also not safe to use?

they are safe as long as they do not explode on you face...

Just up for awareness pple.

If its cheap Canon packaging batteries..please wear a EOD suit..just in case.:)

3rd party batteries also not safe to use?

Not that they're not safe but it's wrong for the shop to pass the fake ones as real ones and charge consumers price of real batteries.

Best part if u read the ending..lol

Prima boss(lady) say dunno its fake..point finger to Alex photo

then boss of Alex Photo say open camera shop dunno about camera stuff meh? haha..both pointing fingers..

anyway up for awareness la..

It was not said by the boss of Alex Photo lah.. The person who said it is Cyril Chua, a lawyer representing Canon.

Canon can reduce the price of its batteries.
The current price is high.
That attracts people to make "for-Canon" compatible batteries, as well as fake ones.

TS warned of fake batteries exploding.

So what is Canon's stand if any of their original batteries explode, damaging the camera and injuring the user?

Original batteries (for laptops) can also explode. Read: HowStuffWorks "What is causing lithium-ion laptop batteries to catch fire?"

They not only sell fake batteries. They also tried to confuse consumer by using a look a like name of the former shop "PRIME" to become "PRIMA".

by the way the female in charge is Alex wife.

Sion said:
3rd party batteries also not safe to use?

Don't be confuse with fake and 3rd party.
Fake is by definition "creating a copy of an original item and placing the original manufacturers logos and labels without approval from the original manufacturers"
3rd party is by definition " creating a copy of an original item and placing the copying company brand on said products and sold under the company's name instead of the original manufacturers"
I'm won't be so afraid of 3rd party as fakes. Wonder sometimes what goes through the minds of these ppl who sell fake goods? Especially those that could be deadly when a problem occurs

Can anyone highlight to me how to check if the canon battery is genius or fake...?

Don't be confuse with fake and 3rd party.
Fake is by definition "creating a copy of an original item and placing the original manufacturers logos and labels without approval from the original manufacturers"
3rd party is by definition " creating a copy of an original item and placing the copying company brand on said products and sold under the company's name instead of the original manufacturers"
I'm won't be so afraid of 3rd party as fakes. Wonder sometimes what goes through the minds of these ppl who sell fake goods? Especially those that could be deadly when a problem occurs

Yup, they aren't the same but they are from the same quality. The makers don't have a license agreement with Canon and they have no proper technical knowledge about the camera.

Yup, they aren't the same but they are from the same quality. The makers don't have a license agreement with Canon and they have no proper technical knowledge about the camera.

Correction, makers don't have to know what is a camera to make batteries. They just appoint some reputable battery makers with required specifications to produce it.
If there is, we need Nikon and Canon AA batteries for our flash too.

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