Pinnacle Studio Plus Titanium

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Hi, was on the way to buy the pinnacle studio plus titanium, but was advice that its not stable product and very heavy on PC...But from what i've read and seen on the PINNACLE site the software seems very interesting and easy to use,lots of Professional effects (PIP,CHROMA KEY,etc).Also latest transitions (Hollywood FX,etc). I am advice to use SONY VEGAS which i don't know at all...So any who have use both can guide me on this issue.Of course comments n advice from professionals are welcome.THanx

Hi, was on the way to buy the pinnacle studio plus titanium, but was advice that its not stable product and very heavy on PC...But from what i've read and seen on the PINNACLE site the software seems very interesting and easy to use,lots of Professional effects (PIP,CHROMA KEY,etc).Also latest transitions (Hollywood FX,etc). I am advice to use SONY VEGAS which i don't know at all...So any who have use both can guide me on this issue.Of course comments n advice from professionals are welcome.THanx

Hi Mano4u,

Mindzest here. I'm a freelance videogapher & editor/animator(2D) and I've been using Vegas since 2002. Before that I was using the older versions of Ulead, Canopus, Pinnacle DVPro and they were a hassle. Then, I was introduced to Vegas and I find it more easier and user friendly to use. So, if you're just starting in editing (sorry, no offense meant as I don't know your background) I would recommend Vegas before trying out others like Avid, Adobe and Final Cut Pro (more for Mac user) which is great but need more effort from the user. You can also mix any formats in Vegas and render them in your preferred mpeg2, mov, wmv, etc. Also, you can do Vegas demos, presentations with a laptop. For a project with more than four tracks and laden with effects, the desktop is strongly recommended.

And should you want to see some of the finished product of Vegas, you're welcome to call me for a meet. Ciao!

Studio is the most user-friendly and powerful for beginners though stability is so-so.

Vegas is good on features but its workflow and interface is very different (adapted from audio-editing software instead) from established editing software from Canopus, Avid and Apple.

Yup uuupppsss for Sony Vegas.

I uses both Pinnacle Plus & Vegas. Pinnacle is very heavy on the RAMs and will have constant hangings. I only use it for rough drafts and raw cuts. All other editing & effects I use Vegas.

Actually Vegas is more user friendly than FCP, AVID Pro and Premier Pro

Hi mindzest, of course a sample of your work would be very helpful to me to va\\have an idea of what vegas is, as idon't know about it at all....

Thanx GhostSG for your helph but want to know as you said pinnacle is heavy on ram, does this means its more advance than vegas. Are there some beautiful works that can be done on pinnacle that can't be done on Vegas...

Hi Mano4u,

No prob on the Vegas demo. Just pm me ( for a meet.


Hi Mano4u,

No prob on the Vegas demo. Just pm me ( for a meet.


HI mindzest, am overseas.Would probably in Singapore to buy a SONY VX2100....would be my first trip to Singapore, would be great help if u could help me on this issue, where to buy at a reasonable price ; accessories too

Hi Mano4u,

Please call me at 91198100 re Vegas demo. Just let me know when & where and I'll be glad to share my humble works with you or other interested parties.

Regards, Mindzest

last time i used Studio got a bit of problem.. but now very stable liao.. i think it's the patch they released. I done some reading.. found out Studio is no.1 in the world for video editing. Was damn solid, i can mix both Pal and NTSC video in the same project. All my HDV video were easily edited too.

They even invited me to attend free Move Making seminar some months back. The only problem was it was on a weekday. But nevertheless, i managed to find time to go. Was well worth the effort!

Hi mindzest, of course a sample of your work would be very helpful to me to va\\have an idea of what vegas is, as idon't know about it at all....

Thanx GhostSG for your helph but want to know as you said pinnacle is heavy on ram, does this means its more advance than vegas. Are there some beautiful works that can be done on pinnacle that can't be done on Vegas...
Basically both programmes has its pros & cons. Matter of fact all programmes can't be exactly the same due to proprietorship, copyright etc. To make a good video for my clients I use a combination of programmes for the various types of effects and transitions etc.

Pinnacle has heavy usage of the RAMs as it uses lots of buffering. Its has the realtime rendering capability and auto-save functions. You can disable these functions but must always click on the save button otherwise too much work will cause your PC to hang. It has a consumer type user friendly interface(layout) which is very easy to use. But a lot of plug-ins, effects have to be purchased or unlock thru purchase of activation keys. Thats why the programme itself is cheap.

Vegas on the other hand is light on the RAMs and has the Pro type interface(layout) but is much user friendly than FCP, Premier or AVID Pro. It comes with lots of effects, transitions etc but the programme itself is expensive.

Ultimately, the PC doing video editing have to be stand-alone. It should not be used for internet, general work or games. A lot of people have problem editing b'cos the other programmes like internet, anti-virus, office etc are running background programmes/ activities in the background. All these activities are slowing down the PC and burning out the RAMs and processor. For hobbyists doing home video etc - he will have to shut down all the other programmes. Lastly, perform disk clean up regularly to remove all the temp file in the HDD and RAMs which will accumulate with time. Also perform regular Defrag to ensure the HDD has a smooth flow.

Yup uuupppsss for Sony Vegas.

I uses both Pinnacle Plus & Vegas. Pinnacle is very heavy on the RAMs and will have constant hangings. I only use it for rough drafts and raw cuts. All other editing & effects I use Vegas.

Actually Vegas is more user friendly than FCP, AVID Pro and Premier Pro

Hi, how much you reckon sony vegas might cost. I mean the pro version ones. thanks

Hi, how much you reckon sony vegas might cost. I mean the pro version ones. thanks
Sony vegas usually comes with DVD author its around S$1.9K b'cos its codec is the best so far. Pinnacle Studio Titanium is about S$300.

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