Pictures from LX3

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couldn't resist posting.. SASUKE!! haha... nice bokkeh (nt sure of the spelling) there~
yeah, i noticed that pictures on LX3 tend to look a little darker when it's transferred to the PC. That's why i like to overexpose my images a little bit.

Edit to update with a photo

Really love LX3's black and white dynamic mode =)

bro, wat software or hw u manage to post the sasuke pic and w/o losing pic details? I been using the LX3 software provided....its bad cos once resized, sure grainy and lose pic details...:embrass:

bro, wat software or hw u manage to post the sasuke pic and w/o losing pic details? I been using the LX3 software provided....its bad cos once resized, sure grainy and lose pic details...:embrass:

Hi there! Nt sure what u mean.. but the sasuke pic is not posted by me haha.. It's by vengels =)

For my pic above, i used photoshop to resize =) Havent used the LX3 program before, cos it seems a little complex and i'm not used to it.. ^^;

bro, wat software or hw u manage to post the sasuke pic and w/o losing pic details? I been using the LX3 software provided....its bad cos once resized, sure grainy and lose pic details...:embrass:


i merely used photoshop to resize tats all..
no pp done..

LX 3 handheld at iSO 80 in Chinatown. remarkable for a PnS.



Hi there! Nt sure what u mean.. but the sasuke pic is not posted by me haha.. It's by vengels =)

For my pic above, i used photoshop to resize =) Havent used the LX3 program before, cos it seems a little complex and i'm not used to it.. ^^;

can teach me hw u resize w photoshop? thanks

LX3 in the air.....



That's a nice pic. I'm a new owner to LX3. Just bought it today from Alan Photo.

May i know what settings did you use for this shot? :thumbsup:

human faces shots with no PP

One of the first few shots I took with the lX3 at terminal 3 last year.



And in good lighting on a trip overseas. again no PP.



thks man!
i guess i have made my choice, shall forgo lx-3 meanwhile and get a canon ixus 870IS instead =)

thks man!
i guess i have made my choice, shall forgo lx-3 meanwhile and get a canon ixus 870IS instead =)

I think this bro here is looking for a cam to shoot portraits or candids... :)

thks man!
i guess i have made my choice, shall forgo lx-3 meanwhile and get a canon ixus 870IS instead =)

hey bro, all i can say is, the person behind the camera matters most, not the equipment itself. you look at all the photos in the thread and you'll see that there's a world of difference between amateur and professionally shot/composed pictures.. :)

was in Phuket over the weekend and took some photos:



hey bro, all i can say is, the person behind the camera matters most, not the equipment itself. you look at all the photos in the thread and you'll see that there's a world of difference between amateur and professionally shot/composed pictures.. :)

haha yah man i definitely know.. so i know I wont have the skill to play with this...better get a ixus 870 first. and play with lx-3 next time when i have extra dough

thks for all the advice =)


take the me...the auto mode is good enuff for anyone...+ the pin hole scene mode, its a wonder...




just buy and need think so much...


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