Photokina Olympus m43 News Round up - EM1 Mark II, EPL8, Pro Lenses and accessories


Staff member
Jul 20, 2007
Bukit Batok
Olympus Flagship development news EM1 Mark II, 20MP, 18FPS, improved CAF, Dynamic range etc.

Olympus EPL8 entry level

Olympus Pen EPL8 first impressions

Pro and Macro Lenses - 35mm/3.5 Macro, 25mm/1.2 Pro, 12-100 F4 Pro

I myself am sold on the E-M1 MKII, reminds me of the D2x to D3 upgrade, it's a huge step in improvements! Though it's on paper, it looks promising.

But... WHERE'S THE DANG FLASH!? :bsmilie:

Looking forward to EM1 MK2. Just take my money already!

EM1 II looks to be a worthy update to the EM1 ;)

I am still using my original E-M5 so I am looking forward to this. Does anyone know what the price and availability date will be here?

I am still using my original E-M5 so I am looking forward to this. Does anyone know what the price and availability date will be here?

TBC, though EM1M2 will probably be end of year? The rest should be earlier.

Can't wait for the mk2 and 25 1.2!
The announcement says Oct for 25 1.2, but silent on the Em1mk2...any idea?

You'll know when we know, cause we don't know at the moment either :bsmilie:

I myself am sold on the E-M1 MKII, reminds me of the D2x to D3 upgrade, it's a huge step in improvements! Though it's on paper, it looks promising.

But... WHERE'S THE DANG FLASH!? :bsmilie:

I was thinking that the E-M1 Mk II reminded me of the D500 finally replacing the D300. My feeling is that there is finally a true replacement for the E-5.

Just curious.

Does the EM1 Mark II has a better feature to secure the flash horseshoe cover?

I actually tape it down.


Doubt so, eitherway, mine is bare, why would you want to cover the hotshoe even if you don't use flash? All my cameras have got exposed hotshoes

Doubt so, eitherway, mine is bare, why would you want to cover the hotshoe even if you don't use flash? All my cameras have got exposed hotshoes

bought that cover before for my EM1 from Olympus. Cost $15 !!

There's something called eBay, a few dollars can probably get 10. Again, my question. Why would you want to cover the hotshoe?

I really like the 12-100mm lens. Wonder if it's going to be a long wait to see it in retail.

I really like the 12-100mm lens. Wonder if it's going to be a long wait to see it in retail.

Me too, the 5 axis Sync IS is such a fantastic feature. Handholding 1sec at 100mm is pretty easy. As of this morning, though still no price/availability updates.