Perth City Cityscapes and Stories.

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New Member
Jan 9, 2003
East Singapore
Just 2 images from last night.

I would appreciate if you could give honest feedback.


marc nice pics~ ;) I wished I had my cam with me when I was studying in UWA...brings back such good memories esp the highway at night :devil:

#1, if u can go higher, take a shot of the curvy roads, with the streetlights also, and no other landscape. The streetlights will somehow be an offset of the light trails, but still maintaining the curves.

Nice stuff, I guess the highway shot was taken from the bridge near town?

I'll be revisiting Perth in June, hopefully the weather will be kind to me :)

i want ot know the detail setting of first snap of road like AV, F value, AP speed etc because i have sony digital cam DSV but i never get this kind of result. I m not a prof. photographer but i like photography.

waiting 4 ur reply.

ninad :thumbsup:

FOr that shot, I used the camera in Aperture Priority Mode... and used f11. The corresponding shutter speed was approximately 15s. ISO was set at 200.

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