Pentax MZ50 good?

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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2006
I'm thinking of getting a Pentax SLR for fun.:bsmilie: Came across cash converter selling them at slightly more than $100. Worth getting?

Use to have this camera. It is a good basic entry level SLR. 10 years ago, with the FA35-70, it is selling around $200+.

Use to have this camera. It is a good basic entry level SLR. 10 years ago, with the FA35-70, it is selling around $200+.

Thanks bro. So can consider. :bsmilie:

Cash Converter stuff, better double-check.
Make sure they do a good job of refurbishing the stuff they buy.
You would want to check for light leakages (not sure how you can do that though) and shutter timing besides the usual stuff.
If you're just looking for a K-mount film, I got a Ricoh KR super II (something like that) that I can let go for around $60.

Do take note that MZ-50 like MZ-30 and MZ-60 have a crippled KAF mount.

With aperture at non-A position, all photos will be metered and taken at full aperture. Unlike DSLRs, there is no firmware upgrade and no green button solution.

Do take note that MZ-50 like MZ-30 and MZ-60 have a crippled KAF mount.

With aperture at non-A position, all photos will be metered and taken at full aperture. Unlike DSLRs, there is no firmware upgrade and no green button solution.

Thanks. Maybe I'll just go look for the K1000 since it's more of a collector's:bsmilie:

mz 50 is still a good camera in my opinion. i have been using it until recently where i switch to digital.

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