PC SHOW Question

淘宝商品:包邮 奥林巴斯E-P5 EP5微单手柄 EP-5相机手柄 L型快装板 加侧L边 http://b.mashort.cn/9807c2c8-76a2-4dcf-8c97-4c79286d41a2?sm=0c7dad (������复制整段信息,打开手机淘宝可直接访问������)
Ep-5 3rd party grip.
who want to order by Sunday nite.
this shop I hav order before for em10 n em5 grip.

how much will this cost?

Hi there, any idea what choice of colours are there available for the EP5 promo at PC show?

Can only go down to hoot one set tmr, hope there's still some available!

Hi there, any idea what choice of colours are there available for the EP5 promo at PC show? Can only go down to hoot one set tmr, hope there's still some available!

I remember only black , and by now probably the 14-42 kit sets are still avail.

I remember only black , and by now probably the 14-42 kit sets are still avail.

Thanks for the heads up Keith! Man. Such a pity. I'll just head down anyway and try my luck!

I've always had a thing for the EP5's build quality, just not it's price tag.

Thanks for the heads up Keith! Man. Such a pity. I'll just head down anyway and try my luck! I've always had a thing for the EP5's build quality, just not it's price tag.

I agree with the build quality :) I had mine go through snow and hail and it survived perfectly even though in paper it's not WR.

Somehow the EM1, EM5 though very well built don feel as solid as the EP5

What is the latest firmware update om EP-5 camera, and found more easy to control than EM10 except Live Comp. DUn like the Fn set button but the 2X2 dial control

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Ver 1.6

U can always go four-thirds.org and do a search under Special contents --> Joint updates

Tks, Olyp updater as long time never update.....Ver 1.6

$Joint update service for OLYMPUS E-SYSTEM - OLYMPUS Digital Camera.jpg

17mm vf4 set sold out before its opened. They are pushing for the dual lens kit set. Promoter claims to have only 7 set left. Can see everyone asked and left.

17mm vf4 set sold out before its opened. They are pushing for the dual lens kit set. Promoter claims to have only 7 set left. Can see everyone asked and left.

That's fast... Yday around noon while queuing to collect the ep5 after payment, I saw at least 20+ sets of 17mm kit left on the shelf. Guess all were snapped up yesterday.

That's fast... Yday around noon while queuing to collect the ep5 after payment, I saw at least 20+ sets of 17mm kit left on the shelf. Guess all were snapped up yesterday.

I guess news spreads really fast when it reaches the forum. Went home empty handed.

Feeling kinda bummed as I only managed to hoot the $448 bundle, consisting of the body & 40-150mm.

Anyhow, I'm still satisfied to own this camera. To think that I was about to pull the trigger on the EP5 17mm kit @ $17XX 2 years ago, but chose to go with the EM5 instead. No regrets.

Feeling kinda bummed as I only managed to hoot the $448 bundle, consisting of the body & 40-150mm. Anyhow, I'm still satisfied to own this camera. To think that I was about to pull the trigger on the EP5 17mm kit @ $17XX 2 years ago, but chose to go with the EM5 instead. No regrets.
$448 still a good nonetheless. Congrats!

Now the 17mm f1.8 like Bear market pricing, sliding fr 550(PWP) to 380 for new set.
Next 2-3 PC/I.T show can focus EM-1.